Dangerous Faith

106: What Questions Would You Like to Ask God?


Nate Williams and the Dangerous Life Team talk about questions they would like to ask God.

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Speaker 1:

This is the Dangerous Faith Podcast. My name is Nate Williams. With me we have Zeke, chloe Blake and Justin, I hated that. Very thankful for everyone joining us today. And what are y'all talking about? He goes yo.

Speaker 4:

It just reminds me of this TikTok. I saw where it's, this boy band called no Lonely Hearts, and they're dancing, and he goes oh hey, there I'm Aiden. And then they go down the line and it's just so stupid, I hated it. And so when he goes line and it's just so stupid, I hated it and somebody goes, yo ew dude.

Speaker 3:

Go away.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, papa Blake, no so we will be referring to Blake as Papa Blake today. Blake, do you want to tell the story behind Papa Blake?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I was just up there giving the church announcements in front of our whole congregation and I started freestyling, instead just sticking to the script, and uh called myself papa blake all right, and so he has given himself a new name you could have called yourself daddy blake or something like that, and it could have been way worse I think, papa blake's pretty bad it's pretty bad.

Speaker 3:

I don't know I think daddy blake is not as bad as it could have been papa blake, we would have made it work.

Speaker 1:

But anyways anyways, moving on, our topic for today is if you could ask god a question, what would it be and I know late night conversations, oh, what would you ask j? What would it be? And I know late night conversations. What would you ask Jesus? What would you ask God? That can be a topic of conversation, and so that's what we'll cover for today. So it can be serious, as we know, talking about death and sin, addiction, disease. It can get serious or it can be more lighthearted and fun, wherever y'all want to go with it. But I'll open it up If you ask God a question. All right, papa Blake, why did he let?

Speaker 4:

me call myself Papa Blake. Why didn't he?

Speaker 1:

just stop me.

Speaker 4:

Why did?

Speaker 1:

God in his sovereignty not prevent you from saying that.

Speaker 4:

I don't know. Pride comes before the fall dude.

Speaker 1:

So we can ask God in heaven that yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yep, what else? Oh, like a real serious question. Actually, I would love to ask God why he didn't mention any part of Jesus's youth other than being left at the temple, like if he was just a carpenter and he was just learning, like I would have loved to known, like why that was left out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I have the same question. Well, more specifically, not why they didn't leave it in the scripture, but why, like what was it? Yeah, I'm curious, like what would have been like to be his brother, like your mom's always like, just be more like your brother jesus, like I can't, it's impossible.

Speaker 1:

He's literally god well, there are some books that have some details of Jesus' life.

Speaker 4:

There's Apocryphal, oh, like the Gospel of Thomas, yeah where he kills somebody.

Speaker 3:

We actually had a. The sermon today was on the teenage years of Jesus.

Speaker 4:

Really Well that one scripture that you're talking about. It was literally on that it was left at the temple. Just that being left at the temple.

Speaker 1:

That was Nate's children's time today. Yeah, pretty good how that all lines up. We have in our sanctuary one of the stained glass windows. Is of that episode, of that passage. So pretty good, all right. So, zeke.

Speaker 3:

Do you think, going back to his childhood, our teenage years, did it? Well, it's probably their culture. Probably wasn't like ours, so you may can actually answer this, but was there ever a time where, like someone would have been romantically interested in Jesus and like he had to like let them down easy, like no?

Speaker 1:

That is interesting. How would he handle female interest?

Speaker 4:

Yes, you know it's really interesting. Going back to the brother thing, I don't even think, because there's a lot of scripture, like we went through in Mark, because you know his family comes and he's like who's my? Mother who, like we went through it in Mark because you know his family comes and he's like who's my mother, who's my brother, who's my sister, like it's it's a safe assumption to believe that. Well, no, it's not a safe assumption, it's actually in scripture.

Speaker 3:

Like they don't they didn't believe that Jesus was who he says he was.

Speaker 4:

James didn't believe he was the Messiah until after he rose again, so I wonder what that would have's like. He's just a really good person. I don't understand it.

Speaker 3:

His mom understood at least some part of it, right? Like she didn't know everything, obviously, but there's a sense in which she knew, obviously, like you read the um infancy story and like she literally has been told by an angel like hey, you're going to be a virgin conceive and he's going to be the son of god, etc.

Speaker 3:

Etc. But like, I'm sure, all the minor details. She's like I'm so confused, like back to the teenage thing of like they leave for a day and like ross, he's gone and come back like jesus, what are you doing? And he's like I'm literally in my father's house. Do you not understand? She's like no, I don't understand.

Speaker 4:

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Speaker 1:

I wonder if there were times with mary and j and Joseph where he has an answer like that and they're like don't talk back to us, but for him, it's not.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Anyways, very interesting, but Zeke, what's a virgin?

Speaker 3:

I'll let Papa Blake explain that one. Oh no.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Do you want me to describe it in like the proto-evangelical James? I can't say that word. You know what I'm trying to say.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Anyways, off of that, I do wonder when it comes to that topic did. Mary and Joseph have to give the birds and the bee. Talk to Jesus, or did he just know?

Speaker 3:

That's interesting. Why would they? It's not like he would ever. Even if he didn't know, why would he ever need it?

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm not sure if they knew he'd ever get married. They didn't know that.

Speaker 4:

No, because Jesus would have definitely struggled with that because he's like we read in scripture he was tempted with everything that we would have been tempted with. So Jesus definitely would have struggled with lust.

Speaker 3:

How do we?

Speaker 4:

Well, he didn't succumb to it, but he would have that temptation. That's a good question.

Speaker 3:

I have is what's the fine line between being tempted and like? I know the part where you give in to it but like, what's that? What's the difference between?

Speaker 1:

What is?

Speaker 3:

that vague area in between. Do you know what I'm talking about? I know what you mean, jesus can be tempted, but he never sinned.

Speaker 1:

Yes, where does it go from not being sent to a sin? It's not a sin to be tempted, but then you are responsible for your response. So your thoughts and your actions, your words, after the temptation, they count.

Speaker 4:

So picture like an 18-year-old Jesus. He's walking down the road right and a girl shows a little bit of ankle Scandalous.

Speaker 1:

Scandalous right.

Speaker 4:

Jesus wouldn't even give it another thought, Whereas we would have been like there's a leg attached to that ankle.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

And there's more attached to the leg. There's more attached to that leg.

Speaker 1:

And there's a foot if you go southward.

Speaker 4:

There's so many places you can go, Anyways.

Speaker 1:

so yes, all those interesting conversations. I have no idea the answer to some of these questions, but, yes, what was that? Like Jesus's teenage years, blake.

Speaker 4:

Another question this might've been answered, but I want to. I asked it when I was reading through Exodus. There's a moment in Exodus where God is going to kill Moses for some reason.

Speaker 1:

Exodus 14. Yeah, and he just glances right over it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I want to know like what did Moses do that made God so mad he was going to like kill Moses.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Was that?

Speaker 1:

it. That was it, no way. And so Moses, funny enough, off our sermon today. He had to get the snip, snip.

Speaker 4:

And he just refused, and that's why God was like Either refused or he didn't know about the requirements. And so God was just going to kill him.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Anyways, I'm very thankful that did not happen.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, me too. Yes, all right.

Speaker 1:

It would have been tough for my Jewish people. How did you?

Speaker 4:

figure it out. Did you just study that? Where did?

Speaker 1:

you find that? Where did you find the answer? It's in Exodus.

Speaker 3:

So it's in Exodus, yeah, because we talked about this before and you're like I have no idea.

Speaker 4:

I promise you, we talked about this.

Speaker 1:

I think we've talked about circumcision before.

Speaker 4:

We have talked about circumcision, but I was talking about the event that-.

Speaker 1:

And I told you, blake, you don't need to go forward with it, because we're covered, I'm already circumcised, we're covered. Paul talks about it's not necessary for salvation.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I told my parents that.

Speaker 1:

They didn't hear me out when you were born or later in life, what year was this? Was this like last year 1999. Anyways, okay, where are we.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, what questions do you have, chloe? What other questions do you?

Speaker 1:

have Questions you would like to ask God.

Speaker 5:

Okay, well, mine's more goofy and it's kind of funny that this is the topic, because I was literally just talking to a friend a few days ago about these crazy stories that happened and in my life and just like how I don't know the cause and I was like man when I go to heaven I'm going to ask God like how did this happen? Like I'll just give an example of one of them there was one time where and they both involved my car, by the way A few years ago I walked out to my car, which was parked outside of my parents' old house, and my entire back windshield was completely shattered, like you couldn't see a single centimeter on my window. And I have no idea how that happened, like zero clue. So, just like random things like that in my life that are completely random and goofy and don't even matter in the long run, but just like I just want to know, like I'm just curious.

Speaker 3:

What happened?

Speaker 5:

Oh, I'll share the other one. The other one's a little more weird. It's also involved my car. I was walking out to my car, parked outside of my parents' old house, and there were two hot dogs sitting on my car and I have no explanation Zero. Maybe you were hungry. No, they were just like they didn't have the bun, or anything it was just the.

Speaker 5:

You know, maybe god was delivering you food no, it's just the way it's like they fell out of the trees it's literally like they fell out of the trees I'm glad you brought up manna.

Speaker 1:

So if god brought you manna so that you could survive in the wilderness, would you be like?

Speaker 4:

I'm not eating this, or, in this case, two piping hot oscar meyer wieners.

Speaker 1:

Yes and I have to correct myself from earlier.

Speaker 4:

It was exodus four, so my bad, I was gonna say 14, sounds like a little bit later, yeah so that's um.

Speaker 1:

That is fascinating and I bet god knows, just like random things in life just like random things.

Speaker 5:

And then like. Another one you can think of is like um, I was telling her about this too was like on our honeymoon, when we were short one dollar, like getting back to our cruise. Like um, we were at the beach and we we had to pay to take the bus back and we were short one dollar and like a dollar showed up in the ocean, like I don't think that was coincidence but like, yeah, that's essentially what this was.

Speaker 3:

It boils down to like we ended up having we had to give them cash because they didn't take a card, and I had happened to find the $1 that we needed earlier in the day just laying in the ocean.

Speaker 4:

No, I found it or.

Speaker 5:

Chloe found it. I found it in the sand. A crab or something or something in the sand was holding it. Yeah, it's like god provided, like we didn't even pray about it or anything.

Speaker 4:

God just provided anyways yeah, hey god, I need a, I need a dollar, and then a homeless man would rob me.

Speaker 1:

I'd be like, well, but the homeless man needed it too, that's true, but I had nothing to give anyways but the other things.

Speaker 5:

I think my questions would just be like things like um, where's like the Ark of the Covenant or like the Garden of Eden or like Noah's. Ark like where's all that?

Speaker 1:

those are solid questions.

Speaker 4:

I've always because I'm reading through Genesis right now like the flaming sword, like going and the Garden of Eden. I'm like dude, have we ever found that we've been unstoppable? Dude, like well, first off we could never get near it. But that I mean, how could you explain that away? There's literally a flaming sword, like just on patrol. You try to get near this garden and it kills you Like checkmate. Atheist. What are you going to say about that? Yeah, is it a hallucination?

Speaker 3:

Do you, if we found the Ark of the Covenant today, would we die if we touched it?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I would assume so.

Speaker 1:

That's fascinating.

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean it depends. Does God's presence used to dwell?

Speaker 1:

in it right, Does it still?

Speaker 3:

dwell in it, the same way that it doesn't dwell in the temple anymore, because we are the temple. If he took it up.

Speaker 1:

That's interesting. That's a great question. Well, answer it for me. These are questions you gotta got to ask God.

Speaker 3:

You're the closest thing we have here. Don't say that.

Speaker 4:

Night is not God, don't say that I'm going to get struck by a lightning bolt. Aren't you like an apostle?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Yes, the.

Speaker 1:

Greek word for apostle means messenger, so we're all messengers in that part.

Speaker 4:

But aren't you like the highest messengers? No, stop it.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, that's a great question and I'd like to know as well.

Speaker 3:

My next question is next question, please.

Speaker 4:

Next question.

Speaker 3:

The Shroud of Turin. Is it real? I'm convinced it is but I want to know for a fact Nate Is it?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

I'm convinced it is, but I want to know for a fact.

Speaker 1:

Nate, so the shroud I find very interesting, but some apologists they love to use it. That's one of their go-tos.

Speaker 3:

If it's real, it's a good go-to.

Speaker 4:

I agree. Can you explain what this is? Not that Blake doesn't know, but in case someone— I actually don't know.

Speaker 3:

So the shroud of Turin is believed to be the burial cloth of jesus oh, I've heard.

Speaker 4:

Yes, never mind so they've done so.

Speaker 3:

For those who aren't blake um and don't actually don't know, is they've done some scientific studies on the shroud itself, like it's been kept in? I think the vatican right no, yeah, I think it's.

Speaker 3:

It's in turin, something like that anyways, the catholic church has had um it for a long time and they can date back to at least a few to 14th century. The problem is that there's things about it that can't be explained or replicated today, like some people have tried to replicate this exact thing and they can't do it in modern era. So how do we? And the atheist was like, well, it's a 14th century forgery, okay, but if we can't forge it like, we can't make another forgery today. How did they do it in 14th century?

Speaker 3:

Some of the things that come up is like if you take a picture, there's always a negative uh image of it. I don't I'm not super big in photography, but I just know that there's something weird about it where, when they took a picture of it, there were the negative is normally where the negative looks weird and the normal looks like it's supposed to. It's reverse. That doesn't really happen with anything else. And then, two, they were able to get a 3d image off of it and that's what it looked like. It's a picture of chloe's uh showing blake, is it literally looks like a man from first century, uh, nazareth. And this is a 14th century no, it's not.

Speaker 3:

I I believe it's actually jesus's burial cloth, but that's what they would say. They would say it's a 14th century forgery, but all the evidence for it backs it up and says now they've actually went back and restudied it. So okay, last thing and I'll shut it. This is one of the things that convinced me. Whenever they did the original study, they took a. You heard of carbon dating, right? Yeah, where they go back, they test the material and see what period it's from.

Speaker 3:

We do it with a lot of different things.

Speaker 3:

It's not a perfect science, but generally it's believed to be fairly accurate within at least a few decades to 100 years or so With this know, at least a few decades to a hundred years or so with this one.

Speaker 3:

When they originally did it, they took off a piece of the corner and they were supposed to send it off to, I believe, seven, seven different labs and they were all supposed to test it independently and then make sure that they all lined up with the same answer. That way you would know that, hey, if seven different people test at seven different locations in the exact same way and they all get the same answer, we can be pretty confident. Yeah, that's what they were supposed to do. Problem is they took a part that they knew had been repaired like a part that had since did happen, since it was originally made had been torn off, and they just repaired it with something else in the past. So why, one, why would you take that part? Because you know it's going to date later than the rest of it. Two, instead of sending it to seven labs, they sent it pretty much all to one lab.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

And that one lab came back and said, yeah, it's yada, yada. And then, literally last year, they came back and said no, it's actually dating back to first century, like Jerusalem. Wow, it's got all the bloodstains, it's got radiation that can't be explained in first century Jerusalem, like where do they get this kind of radiation stuff like that? It's just, it's wild. So they have Jesus' DNA. Yeah, I believe so. I mean, I wouldn't risk my life.

Speaker 4:

Well then, would the blood be living.

Speaker 3:

I wouldn't risk my life on it, but I would say I have a fairly high confidence in it, that's honestly.

Speaker 4:

if that does come out to be like I'm talking like solid concrete, like indisputable amongst all major scholars.

Speaker 3:

They're starting to do that now.

Speaker 4:

That's what I'm saying. Once it gets to the point, you know how it used to be some of the biblical evidence we probably should do a whole episode.

Speaker 3:

I'll just come prepared with all the facts one day.

Speaker 4:

It's just how we've gotten to the point now where we can answer a lot of these hard topic questions. It's like no, now all'll scholar, Because it used to be like, well, Jesus wasn't even a historical figure. And now we're to the point where it's like no it's 100% like he was a historical figure. It's just a matter of how do you want to interpret it. Yeah, how do you want to interpret it?

Speaker 1:

Whether he was God or not is still up to debate, which I think one question on my end that I'd love to ask God. This is a little bit heading off the shroud and just a bit more of a serious direction I'd love to ask God about division, multiplication and division. Yes.

Speaker 3:

Why did you make it so?

Speaker 4:

hard. Why did you make math so hard and why did you make math so?

Speaker 1:

hard, and why did I have to repeat the third grade five times?

Speaker 4:

Why did dad scream at me? Because I couldn't do nine minus one.

Speaker 1:

Yes, in addition to that, see what I did there. Anyways, hey, you got Papa Blake, so give me something. You're okay If you can do Papa Blake.

Speaker 3:

I can make a math joke. My math joke, yours was on purpose.

Speaker 1:

My math joke works. Why are there so many denominations, three branches of Christianity broadly Catholicism, orthodox and Protestant and countless splinters throughout time, throughout history? So many different groups, so many different denominations. Time throughout history, so many different groups, so many different denominations. And I understand. On the human end, hey, we're sinful, we are selfish, we are all the things on the human end. But that does affect our legitimacy. It does affect our effectiveness when we evangelize, because wouldn't God want to keep one main group throughout time? This is where Catholics would say he has the Catholic church. But you get what I mean. And on God's end, why did he allow so much division as we go forward and we're trying to tell people about Jesus, what if his response back to you is like I literally told you to be of one mind and one accord.

Speaker 3:

So you tell me, nate, why?

Speaker 1:

weren't you? So again, I understand the human side. Again, we're selfish and we are ignorant and all the rest. I get why we can splinter things endlessly. But maybe God, supernaturally, maybe limit the amount of options, denominations and groups to where it's a little bit more effective when we go out and evangelize. You don't have so many different groups people can point to, so I'm just curious, like going back to the carbon dating thing.

Speaker 4:

I want to know dinosaurs, okay.

Speaker 1:

Off in that direction. What about dinosaurs, were?

Speaker 3:

they real? No, no better question Will I own my own dinosaur in heaven?

Speaker 4:

That would be great If I could ride a triceratops in heaven. That's pretty balling, yeah, hey, I have a related question about animals.

Speaker 5:

Yes, why can't we talk to dogs?

Speaker 1:

I talk. I used to talk to my dog all the time. Why can't our dogs talk to us? They talk all the time to us. They talk all the time to us.

Speaker 5:

Why can't we understand each other? I want to understand what Archie is saying. Now we're getting to the root of the problem.

Speaker 4:

Yes, okay.

Speaker 1:

I feel like and I'm not original to this that their speech wouldn't be as interesting as we think it would be.

Speaker 3:

It would probably be annoying Food, food, food Bathroom, bathroom, bathroom Hungry Intruder Squirrel.

Speaker 4:

Squirrel, I'm going to take a dump right here, right now.

Speaker 3:

I have a feeling that's what it would sound like, but will it be like Narnia in heaven, where the animals can speak, where we get to talk to animals.

Speaker 1:

I imagine there will be some greater level of communication.

Speaker 5:

There's a talking donkey in the Bible.

Speaker 1:

Oh true, and a snake and a talking snake.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. What do you guys say about that?

Speaker 1:

I think that's pretty cool. Not the snake part, the donkey part.

Speaker 4:

Wait, are animals in heaven? Yes, okay, I dropped.

Speaker 5:

I've heard different answers. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

So, justin, we have just been talking about Dude. He just appeared, I know, hopping in, it's like a sound effect of like some like whooshing.

Speaker 5:

Yes, please, I will do that, we'll reenact here.

Speaker 4:

Hang on, here's the cut part. Okay, whishing sound wishing. Now we're all going to act.

Speaker 2:

Really surprised whoa, justin, whoa it's me, it's the me, the topic is questions you would like to ask God. Anything come to mind why do giant centipedes exist? Is that supposed to instill the fear of God in me? Because I'm afraid.

Speaker 4:

Okay, when did you encounter a giant centipede?

Speaker 2:

I've not encountered one myself, but look at Coyote Peterson, he's got some of them. Yeah, that's awful.

Speaker 4:

That's terrible, that's horrible.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Giant centipedes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there are giant spiders in Australia Giant whole bunches of things.

Speaker 2:

Why Australia? Why that's it?

Speaker 4:

Why Australia? I am so sorry to all of our Australian listeners.

Speaker 2:

America, I'm going to make you guys so incredibly blessed, but Australia everything deadly.

Speaker 3:

Good luck, dead. You're going to meet me real quick. That's because that's where the Garden of Eden originally was. Boom, boom, checkmate Atheist.

Speaker 4:

That's because that's where the Garden of Eden originally was.

Speaker 3:

That's why it's impossible to live there. We just gotta find the flaming sword Before it finds us.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you weren't here for that. We talked about the Garden of Eden. We could find it Because you know you got that flaming sword. It's guarding it.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty sure. According to the Mormons, it's in Jackson County, missouri, so get your facts straight. That's true, jackson County, missouri. So get your facts straight.

Speaker 1:

That's true, so all right, Questions Blake.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, this might be, I don't know. I want to ask God, is there like first off? Yes, why. Is Calvinism true in the sense of the elect? Are there really people like are there really people who just can never or will never accept the gospel? Or was there some way that we could have phrased the gospel that just like it was, like not a magic way to say it, but is there like, what's the most powerful way to give the gospel that would convince anybody?

Speaker 1:

So you're wondering about the whole Calvinism free will, predestination debate. Yeah, how would. When God describes it, how would?

Speaker 4:

he explain it First off. I think he'd just go Like that, like you just go well he might point to the Bible.

Speaker 1:

Would it be one of those?

Speaker 3:

things that we would just know when we got there. Is that going to be a question we even have to ask?

Speaker 4:

I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Ooh, that's a great.

Speaker 4:

that's an even better question. What if the question we ask God is like why did you not kill us sooner? Like because we're just like in. So, in reverence of his holiness? Probably yeah. Honestly, I you don't even need to ask much questions once you get there, yeah, it's like, why was it spaghetti and meatballs, not meatball and spaghetti?

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's a good one.

Speaker 4:

It's like Jesus.

Speaker 3:

Yes, Jesus will be our answer To your question, though if there was a magic— I don't like saying the word magic.

Speaker 4:

I don't like the word magic, but there was— what's the best way to present the gospel?

Speaker 3:

that there's just— I would imagine we would find it somewhere in the Gospels, I mean, if anyone was going to have it it would be Jesus right? I would assume that. But even people didn't believe in Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Exactly Jesus taught, and it didn't persuade everyone.

Speaker 4:

So yeah, it might just be one of those questions where it's like In Matthew 28,.

Speaker 1:

one of the parts that question has no meaning.

Speaker 3:

Imagine he hits you with the Nate answer. I would literally lose it, oh Lord.

Speaker 4:

I would be like why did you make Nate? Why, why?

Speaker 3:

A lot of people have wondered that why did you make Nate the way you did?

Speaker 1:

Yes, and off of Matthew 28,. The part of the verse that blows my mind is that when people saw Jesus resurrected, some people still didn't believe. Yeah, Jesus resurrected. Some people still didn't believe and they saw him Like you are looking at living Jesus and some of them still doubted.

Speaker 4:

But then there's that part in that Matthew story where he's literally walking on the road with two guys, and it wasn't until and they didn't notice who it was.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, until he left.

Speaker 4:

And it was like but there's that thing where it's like the veil, that veil, until that veil is torn.

Speaker 1:

I think the little bit of a difference there is, one they acknowledge that whoever they were walking with is human and alive. They just didn't recognize Jesus.

Speaker 4:

Jesus until he had.

Speaker 1:

In Matthew 28, when he's appearing to people, they know oh, that's Jesus. And some people were like nah bro, that's not him. So that just blows my mind.

Speaker 4:

To be fair, your grandmother passed away. If your grandmother, like you, go home tonight and she's sitting in your living room knitting or whatever she did, would you go oh, that's grandma. Or would you be like I'm going to get out of this house right now?

Speaker 1:

I'm going to, yeah, call an exorcist.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's what I'm saying, okay, but however, that's not the same thing, because what if his grandma, before she died, said I will be back in three days, I will be resurrected, like if she kept proclaiming this throughout her life, and then she did it and then he's already like still, I would be like, hey, well, you did it, good job.

Speaker 4:

And honestly like, yeah, because we know the gospel, like we're like oh yeah, that makes sense. But I mean like if it actually, if that actually happened no, I'd be freaking out. Yeah, I'm saying freak out like first off, I'll be like, well, that was true. Yeah, I would really be questioning reality. I really would. I'd be like there's no way, that just happened. I really would like I've just, I think, an honest reaction be like if that's real, like I would really have to check and see if I'm awake, because that's just crazy.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, Thomas had those thoughts and he was able to.

Speaker 4:

He's like I want to poke my hand through your hand.

Speaker 1:

That's a different type of hand holding.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Jesus, how would you hold my hand if you still had a hole in there? If God holds the world in his hand and there's a hole there, do we fall through?

Speaker 1:

Asking the deep questions no.

Speaker 3:

I want an answer from God directly and I want it to not be Nate's answer of what was the universe expanding into?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Can you make a square circle?

Speaker 4:

Well, the answer to that was no.

Speaker 1:

No, the answer is not even no. Those questions have no meaning, they're not even valid questions.

Speaker 4:

The universe is expanding.

Speaker 2:

It has to be expanding into something.

Speaker 3:

It just can't be expanding into nothing, no see, that's the thing Nate's all high and mighty right now but when we get to God and we bring Nate up to him like God, we got a question. We want Nate to hear you say it.

Speaker 4:

I can't wait. God's going to be like like doing that. He's like oh, just wait, boom yes.

Speaker 3:

Justin, your questions have no meaning.

Speaker 2:

These are very Buddhist-esque questions, so I think we should like, for example, what is the sound of one hand clapping?

Speaker 1:

We should ask that stuff to god. Do that, though. Can anyone hear it, you?

Speaker 2:

want to ask god zen kawans, what was, what was some of the other ones you told us about class?

Speaker 1:

what? How can you be the buddha?

Speaker 2:

kill the buddha not that one, just there was another one that was like absolute nonsense there were several.

Speaker 1:

That way I don't have them off the top of my head.

Speaker 4:

Oh, serious one. I would ask God who is on the Diddy party list.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh, Because they're just refusing to release it. Well, you'll know by who's not there.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I didn't think of that. Yeah, oh, that's a really good question. The.

Speaker 1:

Diddy list, the Epstein list.

Speaker 4:

When we get to heaven, and I don't know if this has got it's like I guess. I don't know how we would ask God I guess, just to make it make sense for the ones who didn't make it. Do we mourn their loss when we're in heaven or are we just like when I ask, like, how does God? Like I guess it's like God. How is it that I'm not?

Speaker 1:

those are. Is it funny that people will spend an eternity apart from God?

Speaker 2:

I don't know why I pictured you about Sarah Dewey just rejoicing. I was like dang go.

Speaker 1:

Stay in hell, baby. Woo-hoo, we up here, we made it. So there are a couple thoughts there, blake, because that's a great question. Some of the points are this One there will be this understanding that what's been done, god is just and so resting that if God makes that decision, he's the perfect and righteous judge. There is peace there and what's done is done. And there is another option that I sometimes hear, where our memory will be changed and we may or may not remember certain people, certain things, certain aspects of our earthly life, even if we'll remember other things. Wow, so, anyways, just a couple of things people have said, zeke.

Speaker 3:

I want to add on to that. I think this is just a theory, but I have some scripture to back it up. Nate, you can quote the verse and whatever, since you're smart, but the verse where it talks about oh, it's the one CS Lewis talks about. In the weight of glory, like will we become a new creation. You know the verse I'm speaking on 2 Corinthians 5.

Speaker 1:

See what I mean? What a thing. Well, I'm not going to take any credit for that, because that was a script.

Speaker 3:

I didn't think you wrote it.

Speaker 4:

That was our scripture passage for today, that we just read to the congregation yeah, we just read that.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, that's not me being smart, it's just God is just working right now If you're an atheist?

Speaker 4:

listening to this podcast like get a life. You hear how God's like working right now.

Speaker 1:

That's one way of phrasing it. We want you to find your life in Jesus. Get I want you to find your life in Jesus, get a better life. Get a better life, betterhelpcom.

Speaker 3:

Anywho. So back to my point is you might have kind of said it at the start of your whole spiel whatever. If we're going to be a new creation, we're going to know each other better than we ever did on Earth, but we'll also see each other as we truly are, meaning that if we're a new creation, we're going to see each other as like like right now. If I get mad at Blake, it's because I see Blake as a human and I'm frustrated with him and he's dumb.

Speaker 4:

But that happens.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to see him as, like, the image bearer of God, created for divine purposes, et cetera, et cetera. Yeah Well, I think it could also be the reverse side of like we'll also see the people who never became what they were meant to be, as image bearers of God, and I don't know. Ultimate answer is I don't know, but I feel like there's going to be a different shift of perspective, kind of like you were saying and then two. I think of it in terms of like a normal book like Harry Potter, like do you ever ask the question like well, why didn't Voldemort end up in, not heaven? In that book he's like well, why didn't Voldemort end up there? Well, voldemort was evil. It's easy whenever we see like obvious evil, like the Voldemorts, but it's like I think we'll actually have a better view of like how truly evil we were and other people were, even the ones who didn't, how truly evil.

Speaker 3:

we were and other people were, even the ones who didn't yeah we'll have a true understanding.

Speaker 4:

It'll be like that divine understanding of evil, not just our human.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, maybe that's just theory.

Speaker 4:

Good thoughts A game theory A game. This isn't a question I would ask God. But this is kind of a question I've always pondered, and the reason why I'm bringing it up is I recently saw a video of an old lady who had the same question. But we have all of eternity to get to know God. Right, does God just drop all that knowledge on us, or is it like one day he reveals something about himself?

Speaker 1:

Think about Adam and Eve.

Speaker 4:

Did they?

Speaker 1:

know when they were first made. Did they know everything about God? I?

Speaker 4:

don't think so. No, yeah, no.

Speaker 1:

So I imagine we'll enjoy the journey. No, yeah, no, so I imagine we'll enjoy the journey.

Speaker 4:

We'll enjoy the journey.

Speaker 1:

I know we'll enjoy the journey.

Speaker 4:

It's just insane to like when he reveals like that thing to us. It's like will we forget it or is it like will we remember. So like one, how the old lady put it.

Speaker 1:

She's like I picture, like God reveals one aspect about himself I know the next day, yeah, and then the next day he reveals another aspect.

Speaker 4:

It's like you have all of eternity to get to know an eternal god, so like I don't know if he'll be as like straightforward as one per day.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, obviously. Well, she wasn't even saying that it's like he'll reveal one yeah, progressively praise him for it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and he will reveal another thing and we'll praise him for it. Yeah, I guess that's the concept.

Speaker 4:

Like we're going to be praising him for all of eternity. So it's like would I ever run out of things to praise him about?

Speaker 3:

No, no, and it's just like yeah.

Speaker 4:

The concept of an eternal God. I guess I would ask God like what is eternity?

Speaker 3:

Well, and then he kicks me to hell, Get out of here. I mean, you gotta think about that. Will there even be days per se?

Speaker 4:

Will there be a new heaven and a new earth?

Speaker 3:

But will time work the same way?

Speaker 4:

That's a good question. Are we going to be bound by time again?

Speaker 1:

There are certain things I'm not sure, so darkness will be gone.

Speaker 3:

So we won't have the night sky.

Speaker 4:

Chloe's going to cry.

Speaker 2:

I've always thought that stars were very beautiful, so I hope there were stars in heaven.

Speaker 1:

I wonder if we'll get to go into space, if there will be a heavenly SpaceX and then we can just go explore the universe. I wonder if I'll still be afraid of heights.

Speaker 5:

I said do we get to sleep still?

Speaker 1:

I imagine so, because there's nothing sinful about sleeping.

Speaker 5:

But do we need rest?

Speaker 1:

You don't even sleep, though There'll be food in heaven.

Speaker 4:

You will recharge Plug you into a wall.

Speaker 1:

Stay there for about eight hours. You will be given an eternal battery.

Speaker 2:

Just imagine. I think it's going to be for you in heaven. It's going to be instant charging. Think it's going to be for you in heaven. It's going to be like instant charging, because it's going to be that good.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That power source will be that good baby, yes, I like the stars.

Speaker 3:

They'll still be there.

Speaker 1:

But if it's not going to be stars there's no night, there's nothing sinful. If there's no night, then how is there stars?

Speaker 4:

We can't see the stars.

Speaker 1:

Go outside right now. It's still going to be the universe.

Speaker 4:

Go outside right now and point at a star.

Speaker 1:

How do you define night, new heavens and new earth?

Speaker 2:

Wait, there's still going to be the universe, if he pointed in any direction up, it would hit a star somewhere.

Speaker 5:

Checkmate atheists Along these same lines with how big are universe and galaxies and all these things.

Speaker 4:

It's not expanding into anything. Is there any?

Speaker 5:

other life out there.

Speaker 4:

Are there aliens?

Speaker 1:

Aliens Okay.

Speaker 3:

That's a good question. If there were, did they get? Did Jesus come to their planets too?

Speaker 1:

Alien Jesus.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, you could phrase it that way. We're called aliens and strangers.

Speaker 5:

The Bible talks about earth. Oh okay, that's a different one. So is it just us, or are there other things out there?

Speaker 4:

That's a great question. Answer it. That wouldn't like a.

Speaker 1:

Y'all. These are questions we're trying to ask God one day, and y'all keep trying to get me to answer them.

Speaker 4:

It's called a rhetorical question, aren't you and him like? This no, oh, you're not, you're not.

Speaker 1:

You sure do act like it. So I do not know the mind of God, blake, y'all are trying to get me killed from blasphemy. Y'all are, like you know, in the Bible, king Herod. When he was given the speech and they were like, oh, he has the voice of a god and he was very prideful, and then he died from the inside because, anyways it's in the. Bible. He was eaten from the inside, but, regardless, go check it out. That's what y'all are trying to get to happen to me.

Speaker 4:

No, not at all no.

Speaker 1:

So I don't know the mind of God. I think these are great questions.

Speaker 4:

I think it's a great question as well.

Speaker 1:

Justin, do you?

Speaker 3:

have more questions. You joined late.

Speaker 2:

Justin, you're having a good time over there. Just what you said. Harry Casby said I think that's dysentery.

Speaker 4:

I didn't say it was. I was like is it dysentery?

Speaker 1:

I'll let y'all read the passage.

Speaker 4:

Harry doodled himself to death.

Speaker 1:

Justin, what a crappy way to go Time out You're going to hive. Hive him for that but I did my math joke about in addition to that stuff together all the time when I do his level.

Speaker 2:

Never have this bond. You will never. When I you need to give me a high five in addition to that. We were talking about that just to tell you a tiny bit of the mind and his humor. We were in drive the drive-thru at Taco Bell one time and the lady said your total is $11.99. And Blake went, never forget, and I died laughing. So me and him laugh at really stupid stuff.

Speaker 4:

Yes. And that was the joke. It was like never forget, oh my goodness, $11.99.

Speaker 3:

All right, y'all.

Speaker 1:

Any other questions we would like to ask God? Anything come to mind. Who's the goat in basketball?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Jordan or.

Speaker 1:

LeBron, I can already answer that, lebron.

Speaker 3:

What if basketball is going to keep existing after we die supposedly? What if there's another goat?

Speaker 1:

after LeBron what if we haven't even witnessed the goat? There's nothing after LeBron. There's no meaning to life.

Speaker 4:

Now that I think about it, it's probably Luka, hey Luka.

Speaker 3:

After he left. Yeah, after he left Mavericks, mavericks organization. Yuck dude, yucky nasty. That's when he really started going off, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Now he's the LeDon the.

Speaker 1:

LaDawn. Yes, Chloe, any questions you'd like to ask?

Speaker 3:

No PT-related questions.

Speaker 5:

Why did you make the human?

Speaker 1:

body so complicated.

Speaker 4:

No, that's true. Yeah, you're not wrong. Hey, I'm studying psychology right now. The brain is wild.

Speaker 5:

It's actually quite crazy.

Speaker 4:

Oh dude.

Speaker 5:

It's wild, I'm also studying the brain right now.

Speaker 1:

A lot of good questions and one day we'll get to ask them. Maybe, or, as some people think, when we get to heaven, all the things we thought we would do or we would say might just disappear when we're before God.

Speaker 3:

So we'll see, maybe we'll ask, maybe we won't. Will heaven just be like IRL Minecraft If it?

Speaker 2:

is bro, I'm going off, I'm cooking, I'm cooking bro, I get to fight the Ender Dragon with Jesus.

Speaker 4:

Dude me and you get to go cave diving.

Speaker 1:

Hold on, but is it in survival mode?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like do you get to respawn, but you just lose your inventory. Yes, creative's lame bro.

Speaker 4:

So you want to do survival? Yes, so giant inventory yes, creatives are lame bro. So you want to do survival? Yes, so giant spiders, yes Well.

Speaker 3:

I mean if it can never really die. I mean, if we're alive.

Speaker 2:

During Revelations we get to see the giant locusts.

Speaker 3:

Why not a giant spider yeah.

Speaker 4:

True, that True. I didn't think of that yeah.

Speaker 2:

Checkmate atheist Checkmate.

Speaker 3:

You get to have a pig. Oh wait, you were in service today, so did you hear the Papa Blake stuff? I did. You missed us making fun of you.

Speaker 2:

It was great, you put yourself in a nice little trap. The second Nate started walking up there. I was like, oh, I know he's going to say something.

Speaker 4:

Yes. Thank you, Papa Blake. I just wanted to get off the stage at that point.

Speaker 3:

You want to crawl?

Speaker 4:

into a box.

Speaker 1:

All right point. You want to crawl into a ball? All right, I was just waiting for the lightning bolt. That was quite the conversation. Would anyone like to take? Us home justin, you came in late. I feel like you gotta gotta sign us off um, um, yeah, great, start go off.

Speaker 4:

No, no, hang on let him cook, you're good yeah why don't you tell us a Wagyu story?

Speaker 2:

That's a great way A Wagyu story to go off, yeah just a Wagyu story.

Speaker 4:

End us with a.

Speaker 2:

Wagyu story. Oh, I'll just end with this, okay. So word to the wise If you have a milkshake, make sure that you don't fall asleep before you drink it all, or your cats will rip open the cup, drink it and then diarrhea everywhere. God bless, have a good night.

Speaker 3:

I haven't heard that one. That's true. Is it true? No, I believe you. I just haven't heard it.

Speaker 1:

Dude, when did this happen? Yesterday? This week was it Friday. Yeah, I probably was Friday night morning.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I have a rough day, so that's how my day started, thank you,