Dangerous Faith
Dangerous Faith is a ministry that strives to light a fire inside of Everyday Christians to live radically for Christ so that we can glorify God by advancing His Kingdom.
Dangerous Faith
103: What Would a Good 2025 Look Like for You? (Dangerous Life)
Nate Williams and the Dangerous Life Team ask and answer, "What would a good, successful 2025 look like for you?" Also, they make some predictions about the year.
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Welcome to the dangerous faith podcast. My name is Nate Williams. We have Blake with us. Are you good, Blake? Are you all right?
Speaker 2:No, I'm not doing fine at all. No, we have.
Speaker 1:Zeke, chloe and Mariah Glad to have them with me and we're talking about 2025. It's a blank slate. Nothing's happened yet, thank goodness, but also good bad ugly. Who knows what is in store for 2025. Obviously giving it to God and wanting him to guide us, but welcoming everyone onto the show and we're going to ask all right, what does a successful, a good, successful 2025 look like for you, if things go your way, so to speak? We know God can do what he'll do, but if things go your way, what will this next year look like Anyone want to jump in. I just want to pass all my classes. Look like Anyone want to jump in.
Speaker 3:I just want to pass all my classes.
Speaker 1:Chloe wants to pass all her classes with B's right.
Speaker 3:Yes, b's make PT's.
Speaker 1:B's make PT's. That's clever. No, if we get a C we
Speaker 4:get kicked out.
Speaker 3:Oh what.
Speaker 5:That's kind of lame. She's never made a B, so it doesn't matter.
Speaker 1:There we go, zeke with some needed context there. Never makes a B.
Speaker 2:I think Chloe would become an atheist before she got a B.
Speaker 5:That's the impossibility of it. That's pretty good.
Speaker 1:Chloe, what GPA did you have during?
Speaker 5:your bachelor's.
Speaker 4:I could not speak English.
Speaker 3:What was your?
Speaker 1:GPA during your bachelor's.
Speaker 3:I need to know Zeke what was it 4.0.
Speaker 2:4.0 there we go. Remember, she got a magnum cum laude, yes, so chloe successful 2025 will be passing her classes and just getting through, getting through honestly, yeah all right anyone
Speaker 1:else uh gettingake back to platinum forget it, just throw that away, just throw it away for our audience zeke. What does that mean?
Speaker 5:blake's just really bad at video games, so helping him improve would make it more fun for me and specifically what kind of video game in this case?
Speaker 1:car soccer, car soccer car soccer, also known as rocket league all the games to be bad at.
Speaker 5:Car soccer For me I mean you said it before we started Once you've reached perfection, there's just nowhere to go from there, zeke has no area to improve.
Speaker 1:I would say.
Speaker 5:I do want to. I've got some health goals I'd like to hit, so get stronger, get healthier, get faster.
Speaker 2:Stronger, better, faster, stronger. I was about to say that, do it.
Speaker 1:Alright, so Zeke wants to get healthier and faster, and all that jazz, you're learning jazz, I said. And all that jazz? I was like, yeah, all the jazz I'm learning. Good job, zeke. Oh, oh, you're learning jazz. Oh, what I said. And all that jazz, oh, I was like yeah, all the jazz I'm learning.
Speaker 5:Good job, zeke. Yeah, thank you. Go off, king. Oh, I remember. Yes, hold on, let me cook. All right, let him cook, go off.
Speaker 4:King, let me cook.
Speaker 5:Since I choked y'all wouldn't get it, our outpost it doing well. That would be pretty cool I hope that we get at least two people.
Speaker 1:Zeke, do you want to explain what our outpost is?
Speaker 5:So stand to reason. A slightly bigger platform than what we have here has a chill All right. So they have a thing where they allow lay people to help start apologetic outposts in local communities. We've talked about before, I think, on podcasts, but essentially we're starting one for Coleman where people can come and learn how to answer difficult questions or questions that they've had for a long time about the faith and stuff like that, and not just about the faith but also about culture and society, how to stand up for your faith, et cetera, et cetera. So we're hoping to be a resource for the county of Coleman, alabama.
Speaker 1:Pretty cool.
Speaker 5:We would love at least two people besides us show up. Well, not including Chloe.
Speaker 1:Yes, so local training and apologetics so that we can go out and tell people about Jesus. All right, Mariah 2025 goes well. What does it look like for you?
Speaker 4:I want to try something new as in like, um, like something hard that I've never done before, like either a 5k or an aerial silks class or like I don't know something, physically but also mentally, uh, strenuous.
Speaker 1:So something challenging and in a spirit that wasn't that building first off that wasn't a laugh of mocking.
Speaker 2:I just thought that that's kind of cool because that's what we're doing.
Speaker 5:It was a laugh of you made this really big build-up and the conclusion was a 5K, which is fine. It's just not what we expected.
Speaker 1:That is challenging.
Speaker 4:It is challenging. I was just surprised I think that's a great goal.
Speaker 5:To be fair, Blake laughed, but he's never ran one without throwing up.
Speaker 2:Literally. That's why I laughed was I was like, oh my gosh, I'm doing a 5K right now. That was cool.
Speaker 5:What a coincidence. Blake was mocking you. I was not mocking you Speaking of 5Ks. There's one in June or July.
Speaker 3:I'm going to help bag Mariah up because I have a goal next year also to take my 5K time down from a 34 minute to 30 minute and I'm going to run it next year in. July Already beat you, yeah, July Well of course you're a guy, you can beat me.
Speaker 2:She also doesn't make me sprint and I don't have to stop any I don't make her do anything.
Speaker 5:That's good, congratulations.
Speaker 1:I think these are great goals and we need to encourage them. I encourage them. I think that's just really cool.
Speaker 5:You should come run with us. Laugh at them, Blake. Yeah, Justin needs someone to run with him. I'll run every week.
Speaker 2:You want to run with us?
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Okay, I'll invite her. I I didn't know it was up to me to invite you, so Mariah wants to challenge herself, set a goal, and I think that is great.
Speaker 1:Chloe wants to get her 5K time down to 30 minutes. You said Awesome.
Speaker 5:Nate, what are you doing for the new year? What's your goal?
Speaker 1:We're not to me yet.
Speaker 2:I already said mine, what was yours? Again?
Speaker 5:I had to stop crying.
Speaker 1:Oh, the platinum thing, Anyways, we'll get back to maybe more of a serious goal, but I think, for me, similar to what y'all are saying, I want to get physically healthier and I need to, I think, get back into reading, which sounds odd, yeah nerd.
Speaker 1:Which sounds odd because I know I do enjoy reading in general. But what I'll do is I'm kind of like a book thief and that I'll read something and I'll get like the snippet I want. It's like, oh, this would be good in a sermon or a class or whatever. Then I'll just like throw out the rest of the book. I got what I wanted, I got the info, but actually like read a book and read it through, uh, chloe, I have a similar goal.
Speaker 3:I didn't realize we were talking about goals at first. I thought we were just talking about how to be successful next year, it can kind of be. Well, I have a similar goal, because I don't really have time to like sit down and read with school and I sit down and read so much in my studying so I don't really want to, but I found that a good way for me to do that is through audiobooks, and so I have a goal to listen to one audiobook a month.
Speaker 1:I thought one, that's great. Two, I thought you were going to break into a commercial.
Speaker 3:Yeah and the sponsor of our podcast is Audible. Yeah, I wish.
Speaker 1:Where you can have this many books in your library.
Speaker 2:Do you suck at reading, like me?
Speaker 3:Are you dyslexic? I'm the worst reader. Does reading make you?
Speaker 5:want to bite your tongue off.
Speaker 3:I'm the worst reader, so it's almost advertising she actually doesn't use Audible, she uses Spotify. Apparently they have free books on there. They have a ton of free audiobooks.
Speaker 1:I haven't heard of Spotify with books, even the newest ones.
Speaker 4:Even the newest audiobooks they have. I've used Spotify books.
Speaker 5:So, if you have a Spotify subscription, you can get books on there Books coming out next year already
Speaker 2:save the book. It's like pre-ordering.
Speaker 3:And it's free if you have premium.
Speaker 2:Pre-ordered a book. That's the most nerd thing I've ever heard in my life, I agree.
Speaker 1:Blake, I think things like reading more would help us with, maybe, the location of Georgia and Does or does it not have a coastline?
Speaker 2:I never graduated high school, so that's my excuse.
Speaker 5:That would explain a lot.
Speaker 2:Too bad.
Speaker 1:the listeners can't see your books and so Chloe is showing us her books on Spotify. Thank you, blake. And then so reading more books, getting healthier, but other than that, just I don't do an amazing job of resting, but I think I've made improvements in 2024. And I said no to a couple bigger things in my life to aid me in that journey of just learning how to rest, because for me and this is where Justin would come in with something very helpful but I have a little bit of an Asian background and if you are aware of how Asian households work, let's just say rest and relaxation is not always a point of emphasis, blake, in honor of our fallen brother. He's not fallen, he's just not here.
Speaker 4:Do you have?
Speaker 1:anything in response to my.
Speaker 2:Asian comment. I don't want to be racist, I'm not going to stoop. The level of Justin is, so I'm proud of you.
Speaker 5:Blake, what was yours? I forgot. You really didn't say one.
Speaker 1:I said one for you. He mentioned the platinum thing, but something serious, I guess.
Speaker 2:For me it's just that I want to finish school, so go ahead and get my bachelor's, and then go ahead and start working towards getting my master's in divinity. And then also just really really challenging myself just mentally and spiritually and physically on a bunch of things. Me and Zeke, we've got 5Ks that we're going to run by the end of 2025, I want to at least have like a marathon or two under my belt.
Speaker 5:What Dude when? Did this start 5K to marathon is what's a marathon 5K to marathon.
Speaker 4:What about?
Speaker 5:5K to 10K. I'll run a marathon this year, but it ain't going to be pretty.
Speaker 2:Oh no, it ain't going to be pretty.
Speaker 3:I want about a half marathon. Let's start with a half marathon. Yeah, there's one in Auburn in April. Go figure, go home. Go figure, go home.
Speaker 5:Let's start with an Ironman, actually, that's actually so. Ooh, I would love to do an Ironman, so the goal is is to If I could swim, I'd totally do it.
Speaker 2:I would love to do it, theman. Then, after the Ironman for my 30th birthday, me and Justin are doing the backwater run. It's 135 miles.
Speaker 5:I think that's what it's called. Hold on you, and.
Speaker 2:Justin are doing this. I told Justin he has until my 30th birthday to train. Justin was already dreading a 5K.
Speaker 5:He agreed to it.
Speaker 4:You can agree to a lot of things when he agreed to it.
Speaker 1:Did you have a knife to his throat?
Speaker 2:No, I said, you have until my 30th birthday. I said this wasn't a choice.
Speaker 5:When will?
Speaker 3:you be 30? That makes more sense. When will you be 30 again?
Speaker 2:2030.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:Whatever the year is, that's how old I am.
Speaker 4:That's so cool. I forgot you're that age.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 4:So what year is it so?
Speaker 2:no matter how hard I try to forget how old I am. I'll never forget. It's convenient, though it is pretty convenient I have to always add four.
Speaker 5:Now I'm not like it's not like perfect, like there's a time in November like obviously I'm 25, now it's 2024, but we're almost at 2025.
Speaker 1:All right. So let's see. That's 2025, just personal goals, or maybe what we would like for a successful year. Now, when it comes to predictions things culturally, politically, maybe even sports, whatever what do you think 2025 will look like for just the world in general? Does anyone want to go out on a limb, make some predictions?
Speaker 5:Auburn's going to make it to the playoffs next year.
Speaker 1:Auburn's going to be in the playoffs next year.
Speaker 5:I have no evidence or data to back that up.
Speaker 1:They'll be in the college basketball playoffs.
Speaker 5:Auburn's going to win the college basketball playoffs? I don't think so. They look good.
Speaker 2:Auburn looks good, they look good, but they ain't going to win.
Speaker 1:We've looked. Good they are. There's just a matter of time In their division.
Speaker 4:We've been waiting for them all night. No, I think nationally, who's?
Speaker 2:number one.
Speaker 5:Hey, what's better? Who's?
Speaker 4:number one Kentucky.
Speaker 1:Duke Might be. Was it Duke or Kansas?
Speaker 2:It's either Duke or Kansas Anyways.
Speaker 1:So Auburn, but you mean college football playoffs Both.
Speaker 5:We're going to win both of them in the same year.
Speaker 2:I'm going to predict that that doesn't happen.
Speaker 5:Well, technically we can't win them both in the same year.
Speaker 2:I'm just going to go ahead and predict and say that's not happening.
Speaker 5:One will win it this season in basketball and the next season we'll do it in football.
Speaker 1:Any predictions related to Trump's first year in office? I think he gets assassinated.
Speaker 2:Okay, I'm just going to go ahead and throw that out there.
Speaker 1:Blake thinks he gets assassinated. Chloe.
Speaker 3:Don't know if this is directly related to Trump or not. My mom is a realtor and she thinks that house prices will go down next year, and so I'm really hoping that house prices and grocery prices go down and gas go down.
Speaker 5:Amen. Why does house prices matter? Now We've already bought one. I need a house, so please go down.
Speaker 3:I'm saying for other people house, so please go down.
Speaker 2:I mean I'm saying for other people just kidding, I hope they go down. Which I'm buying my parents house, but I would love it for it to go down still, that's cool yeah, he's mentioned this before
Speaker 5:I've mentioned this before.
Speaker 1:It's one of those things that he says mariah, just like I roasted blake when he laughed at you over your 5k, which wasn't even actually.
Speaker 2:It was a laugh, mariah, we want to build blake up that is true, it's okay everybody, all the listeners know that I am a loser heart to heart.
Speaker 4:So hey, me too, don't worry all right.
Speaker 1:So blake thinks trump gets assassinated. I'm just calling it.
Speaker 2:So if it happens, we can come back to this and say I called it, chloe hopes prices go down.
Speaker 1:What a goody two shoes, life's better for everyone, goodness. Uh, so I hope that happens. I hope prices go down. I don't hope that. What a goody two shoes, life's better for everyone, goodness.
Speaker 2:So I hope that happens. I hope prices go up. I hope we have another Great Depression. That's my prediction, you hope.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I hope that that happens. Why would we hope for that?
Speaker 2:Because we need stronger people. He's not wrong.
Speaker 4:Suffering brings resilience, yeah, good.
Speaker 2:Suffering brings resilience. Yeah, good times make weak men. What was that verse we just read the other day?
Speaker 3:Tough times make tough men Romans 5, I think I don't know the exact verse- Something along the lines of suffering. Suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character and character produces hope.
Speaker 2:That sounds like James, no it's Romans.
Speaker 3:No, it's Romans. I know it's Romans, but I mean James says something like that. It's almost like they're in the same book, wow.
Speaker 1:Zeke, they're two separate books. It's not the same book, Alright, so anything else. Mariah Any 2025 greater cultural predictions.
Speaker 4:I don't know. I think this could have been happening. I think movies are coming back there's been so many just in the past year, but I think next year too. People are going back to the theaters versus I don't know the past, when I was in high school. I don't remember ever going to the theaters.
Speaker 2:Why do you think that is Because there was nothing good? There was nothing good.
Speaker 4:Except the Marvel movies that came out.
Speaker 2:I don't remember any significant Endgame was like Endgame. Yeah, there wasn't really anything that was like out Well. No, the Conjuring movies came out. Those were pretty fun to watch.
Speaker 1:Blake, I think you're the main one here that watches those. I would be my fan I would never I.
Speaker 2:I would never I would watch the Nun in theaters. That was terrifying.
Speaker 5:I'll never do that again.
Speaker 2:Well, you can't. It's not in theaters, I know, I mean, I'll never watch something that scary again.
Speaker 4:Well.
Speaker 2:I take that back.
Speaker 4:No, I went and watched. Did I watch the Nun 2? Are you going to see Nosferatu?
Speaker 2:Oh, I heard that's actually supposed to be the scariest movie.
Speaker 5:They say that every time. Yeah, I know, but they're like legit, their marketing is working on y'all. Nosferatu. I think you're on something. I think that, Nate, you're more into culture news than I am, but I feel like the right is starting to win back Hollywood. We've had a lot of good movies that aren't. They don't even have to be explicitly right, they just don't need to be left.
Speaker 2:They don't need to be left, they don't need to be woke, yeah.
Speaker 5:I think we're starting to see that the market's starting to show that we want more of that, hopefully.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 5:Especially in Christian audiences. We've gotten a lot of good Christian movies that aren't cheesy and I hate how preachy has become a bad word, but, like that's, if you do it in the wrong way, it ends up being just, you know, hard to watch, whereas we've had so many good ones over the past couple years. I've done it well, where they get the main message across without coming off as overbearing cheesy faith films have consistently been found to be winners, at least recently, and studios are noticing that.
Speaker 1:And so faith, ideas, faith plots, faith, just movies are being greenlit at a rate I don't think ever seen before, just because they're doing well from a bottom line standpoint.
Speaker 5:I'm glad you mentioned that. I think here's a negative side to that. I think we're going to see and we're already starting to see some bad ones now. So we went from production wise. I think we're already starting to see some bad ones now. So we went from production-wise. I think we're there. I think they've realized how to do production of the movie itself. Like they're all going to look good, they're not going to look like the old ones and the acting itself will be good. But now it comes to secular society, whenever they try to pick it up without being Christian, it's not going to be any good. So we're going to get some bad movies from them, for example, the new Mary movie that Joel Holstein was an executive producer on.
Speaker 5:I haven't even seen it. I've just literally listened to a guy who reviewed it, mike Winger, and like it's, he would admit, like the acting's good, like the it looks good and all that, but like you're not getting the Christian message. So it's like trying to be Christian without being Christian. I agree, those are going to be bad movies.
Speaker 1:You're going to get movies like Exodus. And then there's an old not an old movie, but it's been out for a while now. It was on Noah's Ark and you had rock people and that where all of a sudden, hollywood takes these ideas like you're saying, zeke but butchers them, hollywood-izes it. Yeah, blake, did you want to say something?
Speaker 2:I have a lot of things to say, but what do you want me to say?
Speaker 1:Whatever's on your heart.
Speaker 5:I don't know. No, not whatever's on your heart.
Speaker 2:Okay, okay, yeah, yeah, no, I just think we're going to start seeing a lot of grifting. I just think we're going to start seeing a lot of grifting. That's the only thing that I don't like.
Speaker 4:In movies. Oh the what Grifters. What does that mean?
Speaker 2:So people who like will become Christian for the money value of it Like. That's my biggest fear.
Speaker 1:I hope we get like a. Do you mean salvation or do you mean like movies, movies, movies Should.
Speaker 5:I have specified that I thought I understood, but now that Nate said something I don't understand, I'm not following you. So we were talking about movies.
Speaker 2:There's been a lot of faith films that have been greenlit. My biggest fear is they're going to just start mass producing them for the sake of getting the money.
Speaker 1:It's called being a grifter.
Speaker 2:They say they're Christian, but they're only doing it so they can get into our wallets.
Speaker 5:That's kind of what I was getting at.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's my biggest. I worry about stuff like that.
Speaker 1:This is where we, as Christian consumers, we need to support Angel Studios Irwin Brothers, kendrick Brothers there are some Kendrick Lamar Close enough, kendrick Lamar Brothers.
Speaker 4:Anyways.
Speaker 1:Kendrick Lamar Brothers. That was good anyways. So there are just various studios that consistently produce good movies that we need to try to support as best we can, and then it depends on your mileage with the Chosen. I know people have different thoughts on that.
Speaker 2:I just did that to cause suspense.
Speaker 5:Drama. Yeah, did y'all ever watch season four?
Speaker 2:No, I didn't watch it. Did you, I read the Bible what?
Speaker 1:would you think of that season? I took it a while back, episode one had a really good scene.
Speaker 5:Okay, I mean season four. That was good overall.
Speaker 1:I think that this is Spoilers he doesn't die in season four.
Speaker 2:Hey, hey, dude, careful, Sorry, I said spoilers.
Speaker 1:Is Jesus going to die in the Chosen?
Speaker 5:I cannot confirm or deny, but I do have insider information on what is going to happen.
Speaker 2:Okay, all right.
Speaker 5:Now I'm not going to watch it.
Speaker 1:We will be on the edge of our seats wondering what will happen to Jesus, not me.
Speaker 2:I'm going to bed.
Speaker 1:And so we just want to make sure, as Christian consumers, if there is good Christian content that we go in Forrest. Frank Forrest, frank Get out of town, and other goes for music as well, because we can't complain about the garbage Hollywood produces if we don't support the good, wholesome stuff that we make.
Speaker 2:I support it I don't know why y'all look at me, you just dog it every time, like you, shot at the name of it like what do we think about? Uh, lecrae church clap kb okay, if you're the creator of church clap and you're listening to this, why, like that was awful, you know you made a bunch of middle school kids do a stupid dance. Like you've created a new. You create, you created christian gungnam style is what you did, and it's awful.
Speaker 3:It's not even as catchy as gungnam style. Would you rather them do an inappropriate dance?
Speaker 2:I'd rather them just not do anything. How about that? How about just not make the move, just don't make the song? How?
Speaker 4:Just don't make the song. How about don't?
Speaker 1:dance ever Church clap. Let me hear the church clap. What is?
Speaker 2:Christian about that song. God almighty, what did?
Speaker 1:David, do before the Lord. Well he danced naked, didn't he? Yeah, he danced naked. I guess we all gotta do that. No, and then Forrest Frank.
Speaker 5:Go on with Forrest, frank, go off King.
Speaker 2:Chloe's obsessed with you, so if you want to send some merch this way, yeah, sure you can do that so. Forrest Frank. I don't hate Forrest Frank, I just don't like his voice or his face he's got a good looking face. He's a good looking dude, but he's just like Jesus I should. I just don't like that. Or his face he's got a good looking face. He's a good looking dude, but he's just like Jesus, like I should. I just don't like that.
Speaker 2:I just know he made that song and now he's Forrest Frank Because he was a part of that one band right, he's still a part of Surfaces.
Speaker 5:Did you like Surfaces? No, I hated that song.
Speaker 3:See. I love Surfaces too.
Speaker 4:It was just like so you gotta understand the reason why we call you a hater is because you're a hater.
Speaker 2:I'm not hating you guys. Don't like anything that I like Our running joke on just a friend group.
Speaker 1:Blake will take anything, that's popular and he just won't like it because it's popular.
Speaker 5:That's not true. You're naturally an emo kid at heart and you know it.
Speaker 2:You just don't look like one. True, I don't look like an emo kid, but I mean I like popular things.
Speaker 5:Name one thing Taylor Swift. You like Taylor Swift?
Speaker 4:Oh, I forgot, you're a.
Speaker 5:Swifty you don't like Forrest Frank.
Speaker 2:Are you a Christian Guys? First off, if me liking, forrest Frank defines my Christianity then we have a bigger problem in the world.
Speaker 5:Well, apparently you like Taylor Swift. I don't like Taylor Swift in the sense of like.
Speaker 2:I like her music, Like some of her songs are pretty catchy, Like I can't help it, Like it's good catchy stuff. If Forrest Frank wrote something that was catchy, I would like it. How would you know? You don't listen to any of them.
Speaker 1:I've listened to a couple of his things. I can't get behind it. It's just, you know he's produced more than a couple songs, right? I know he's produced more than a couple songs.
Speaker 2:So if you've only listened to a couple. Tell you what get Forrest Frank on this podcast and we'll hash it out.
Speaker 1:All right, we'll hash it out. So before we got to support the stuff that we do, because if we don't support it it dies and the quality goes to crap. So I remember one of the uh early christian movies do y'all ever watch facing the giants yeah, I do.
Speaker 2:That was a good movie.
Speaker 1:I love that movie and so, facing the giants and they, the budget they did it on, and the actors and actresses involved, they did the best they could, but also it you could see it's like, okay, this is a very early on christian movie, whereas now a lot of stuff is good um yeah, what do you mean?
Speaker 2:it was a good movie good, good message yes, let's talk about a hater.
Speaker 1:Good message, that's a great message don't ever, don't, ever talk to me about being a liar, did y'all? Watch Fireproof.
Speaker 3:No, what did you think of?
Speaker 4:Fireproof.
Speaker 3:Well it's been a while, I don't really remember it but I think I remember watching it.
Speaker 4:That sounds familiar. Was it about firefighters?
Speaker 1:Indirectly, yes, but about a couple's marriage.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, yeah, wait, maybe I didn't see that it.
Speaker 5:I watched it for the first time.
Speaker 2:I've never seen it. As soon as Christmas hits, that's all that's on the TV. I don't know. I've never seen it before. It's a good movie. It's amazing.
Speaker 1:I love a wonderful life, y'all watched the best Christmas pageant ever.
Speaker 3:Yes, what did y'all think? Amazing movie Everybody needs to see it Top five Christmas movies.
Speaker 2:Yeah, everybody needs to see. I think we said that last week.
Speaker 5:We talked about that, but it's a very good modern Christian movie. I'll wait for it to come out on. Netflix it probably will come out.
Speaker 2:We watched it on Amazon, I'll watch it on Amazon. I just don't like the theater we did watch it in theaters.
Speaker 1:I was thinking it's a wonderful off. Blake says that theaters need to go out of business in 2025.
Speaker 4:I love going to the theater. I used to not like the theaters and I still don't love them, unless it's just a movie I'm like, obsessed over. Like, if I'm not obsessed over that movie, I'm probably not.
Speaker 2:I'm only saying it out of sarcasm, because theaters are a place that you would take a date.
Speaker 5:I would go to movies just for the popcorn oh yeah, literally I will not.
Speaker 2:I'll high five, I'll high five that I literally go for the popcorn.
Speaker 5:I don't care what we're watching.
Speaker 2:Honestly, yeah, we could literally be watching like poo in a bucket. Yeah, as long as I got movie theater, my price is going down earlier.
Speaker 3:Please bring the movie ticket prices down.
Speaker 1:It's ridiculous ridiculous Blake's beating me Honestly how about dang it?
Speaker 5:you're not going to like this because it's not supporting theaters, but let's just go buy a movie, theater, popcorn and just go back home, and then we'll watch the movie on.
Speaker 2:I've done that. I've actually done that, me and my sisters, we went and got movie theater popcorn, just for the heck of it.
Speaker 1:I know I can make it at home I'm just saying it's not the same.
Speaker 3:It's the experience you got to use the butter that's not really butter, yeah, yeah, but give me that fake stuff. Yeah, whatever that is, I'm not even kidding.
Speaker 2:If y'all want to stay late and watch it, we will maybe that's my 2025 prediction to consume a lot of movie theater popcorn great health goal yeah, I'm just, I'm just coming up with stuff.
Speaker 3:Lots of sodium.
Speaker 1:Some new goals, lots of butter, all right before we wrap this up, anything else about 2025? Predictions, goals, guesstimations Chloe.
Speaker 3:I've said this for a long time.
Speaker 3:I feel like I say it every year but I really, really, really want to get better sharing the gospel. Like, yeah, I was talking to Zeke the other day about how, like sometimes I'll just make stereotypes in my head of certain people that like, I have to talk to, like at the cash register or whatever, and I don't, I just don't want to. I feel like sometimes that's a hindrance of sharing my faith or just talking to someone about their day, because, like, this guy was the nicest, like he was my age, and he was just just asking me what I'm doing that day and he wasn't being flirty at all and I don't know why that was just weird. I don't know why I was in my head during that time. So I just want to get more comfortable at talking to people, whether it just be nice and friendly or sharing the gospel.
Speaker 1:Okay, I love that. Good goal, blake.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so for me I know I said a lot about health goals and stuff like that and whether or not I actually achieve them. That's why they're goals. But one actual, true goal that I want as far as pertaining to my faith and stuff like that is there's a place here in our town that we live in called Unsheltered International and they help out with the homeless situation and that's something that I really like. For me, spiritually, like I really want to pour myself into different ministries. So like for 2025, like that's the one ministry I'm going to decide to like pour a lot of myself into is figuring out how we can help the homeless situation here in our town and then, as the years go on, maybe just figuring out new different ministries way that we can support and all that. So that's definitely a huge goal of mine that I want to achieve this year. I like that.
Speaker 1:I like it All right, y'all Anything else. Final thoughts 2025.
Speaker 2:Make America great again Wow.
Speaker 1:I mean, we're already. We can make it better, we're already, it's already great again.
Speaker 2:Big Donald Daddy Trump is going to be taking the keys back home January 6th, can you end us with your best Trump impression? No, Justin has the best. Justin does not show up anymore. You have to replace him. Justin can't help that. He passed away.
Speaker 5:I know that's why you have to replace him.
Speaker 1:We'll have to mourn his death when we see passed away. I know that's why you have to replace him. It's not his choice. We'll have to mourn his death when we see him tonight.
Speaker 2:I know We'll just record him doing it tonight and then we'll just clip it in.
Speaker 5:Who's your best impression besides Spongebob? I don't know.
Speaker 2:Why don't you do?
Speaker 3:a Donald Trump impression.
Speaker 2:But it'll be hilarious because you can't do impressions.
Speaker 3:Yeah, come on.
Speaker 2:Zeke, yeah, do a Donald Trump impression.
Speaker 3:Go for it, zeke.
Speaker 5:Zeke, zeke, zeke, zeke, zeke.
Speaker 4:Zeke oh no.
Speaker 2:Mariah, how about you do it? Okay, you got anybody that you can impress. Definitely not me.
Speaker 4:You're disappointing me, let me think.
Speaker 2:I can do Bob Dylan, do it. Okay, yeah, do it.
Speaker 4:Once upon a time there was a. I'm just kidding, but that's really how it sounds.
Speaker 2:Oh, dude, bye, Love y'all.
Speaker 5:Atrocious. Thank you, I'm going it now. I wasn't going to say anything, you're welcome, real friends tell.
Speaker 2:Do you want me to go? Hey, Mariah, I know the audience can't see it, but I can see it. You've got a piece of pepper stuck in your teeth? Yes, I would actually.
Speaker 4:Well, the good news is none of our listeners are going to see it. I'm glad our listeners couldn't see that.
Speaker 5:Yeah, if they could, I would have told you sooner.
Speaker 2:I would have told you before we started the podcast. I would have stopped and been like get that pepper out of your teeth. You're making us look bad.
Speaker 4:Oh my y'all, you just get me so tickled, you just get me so wound up.
Speaker 2:My name's Bob Dylan.
Speaker 4:In the middle of all that, Go off King.
Speaker 2:Go off King. Oh dude, that's hilarious, that whole story. Did I ever tell y'all about that?
Speaker 5:No, zeke was Were you telling a joke? Yeah, okay, so Hold on, let me cut, let him cut. Oh, oh, nate's face is covered. It was, uh, me and blake were playing rock. We're just talking and he says something and I was like oh, I heard this. Uh, I've watched this instagram reel the other day. That was just like this. And then I go it's like hold on, let me tell it.
Speaker 2:And he's so z kept stuttering like he kept stopping starting, stopping starting, like he was trying to tell a story and I just couldn't remember the details yeah, as much as I need. Every time I'm trying to tell the story, I and I just couldn't remember the details.
Speaker 5:Yeah, as much as I tried Me every time For like two minutes. I'm trying to tell the story. I'm like, no, no wait, it was like this I was like hold on. He's like go ahead Cook.
Speaker 2:You got this. I know it's like go off, Go off, Go off. I was like