Dangerous Faith
Dangerous Faith is a ministry that strives to light a fire inside of Everyday Christians to live radically for Christ so that we can glorify God by advancing His Kingdom.
Dangerous Faith
102: Let's Argue about Christmas Music! Dangerous Life
Nate Williams and the Dangerous Life Team debate their strongest Christmas music opinions, from Mariah Carey electrocution to making Christmas music illegal.
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Think-a-loo, think-a-lee Christmas music is what it be. Welcome to the Dangerous Faith Podcast. I'm your host, nathan Williams, with me today. I have Zeke Adams, chloe Adams, blake Tietro and Justin Wagoo. Today, we're going to be talking about Christmas music that inspires you, please leave the please.
Speaker 4:Yes, I have to do it, we will just roll on, but that was the whole team, by the way. Dangerous Life. And we're going to roll into Christmas music for our topic for today. Starting out, when can Christmas music begin in your house? And then afterwards? How long can it last after Christmas? When can it start for y'all?
Speaker 2:Well, Christmas started roughly 2024 years ago, Christmas music.
Speaker 4:Oh my gosh.
Speaker 2:So, Christmas music should start when Christmas started. Okay, all year round.
Speaker 4:Chloe, any thoughts on when you can begin to play?
Speaker 3:I'll give a real answer. Um, so usually I am the person that's like wait till after thanksgiving, okay, and you play christmas music all the way from after thanksgiving till christmas. Um, but this year was maybe a little bit different, because we started practicing christmas music at my church, and so I probably started like the week before thanksgiving week before. Wow.
Speaker 4:Blake, Justin, when is it acceptable to begin playing Christmas music?
Speaker 1:Well, according to my mother right after Thanksgiving because she's been blasting Christmas music nonstop.
Speaker 2:Last time I checked, we didn't ask your mom, we asked you, we didn't ask your mom.
Speaker 1:I think, well, I think Christmas, I love Christmas music, I love the Christmas vibe, but I think it should start in December. But you know, my mother and everybody else thinks it's right after you get done eating the turkey. Well, to be fair, that's only like a three-day difference.
Speaker 2:That's ridiculous.
Speaker 4:Justin when is it acceptable?
Speaker 5:Just because I want to play Nathan's advocate with.
Speaker 4:Blake, I'm going to say it should start right after Easter. Okay, I like it. And then for me, I believe that Christmas music and I always attach the word legally, because this should be punishable by death Legally Christmas music should only be allowed on Christmas.
Speaker 3:Day. No, that is so wrong. You get 24 hours. That's ridiculous, that's so wrong?
Speaker 4:You have enough time to listen to your favorite songs twice.
Speaker 2:Here comes the Christian nationalism Twice. No, that's so wrong, you have enough time to listen to your favorite songs twice.
Speaker 5:Here comes the Christian nationalism.
Speaker 3:Twice Chloe. What do you have to say? Okay, so, one of the reasons that I like to listen to it, like starting after Thanksgiving, is you know, music has a lot of like I don't even know how to describe it. Music does a lot to to like your mind and to like just who you are, and listening to it before christmas helps set my mind on the real reason for christmas. I'm not talking about the cheesy christmas songs.
Speaker 3:I'm talking about like the real like christian, like like hymns or, like you know, silent Night, those kind of things, and they just kind of help me get my mind on the real reason for.
Speaker 4:Christmas, you know, chloe, we have our Bibles.
Speaker 3:Okay. But, music, like I said, has a profound effect on your mind.
Speaker 2:You heard it here Nate wants to outlaw all worship music because we have Bibles.
Speaker 3:Yeah, exactly Justin. Objection hearsibles.
Speaker 5:Yeah, exactly, justin. Objection hearsay, justin. That's not how that objection works, are you sure?
Speaker 1:I'm positive. Objection hearsay.
Speaker 4:I declare bankruptcy.
Speaker 5:I declare bankruptcy.
Speaker 2:Well, we're on topic.
Speaker 5:Yes, Go off, king All right After Christmas.
Speaker 4:how long will you keep playing Christmas music once the day is over?
Speaker 1:Oh dude.
Speaker 5:I like to cut it off right when December ends. Wake me up when December ends.
Speaker 3:Honestly, I probably stop a couple days after Christmas, because listening to it after Christmas kind of makes me sad that it's all over, like the season is over, not just the day, but just the season in general.
Speaker 1:Christmas music is really, really fun. I love listening to Christmas music, but there are some songs that are just like as soon as they come on, it's just like oh, this is not putting me in the Christmas spirit.
Speaker 4:What are your thoughts on Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas?
Speaker 5:Burn, burn it with fire.
Speaker 1:No infinite money. Glitch dude, come on.
Speaker 4:I mean, you're honestly kind of right, I'm not meaning on her end.
Speaker 3:she loves it oh.
Speaker 4:But on your end how do you feel about?
Speaker 1:the song. For me it's like when you stick a fork in an outlet the tinglys that I get when I hear the and then the piano, just like when I hear the and then the piano just like. I could just like crap a whole Santa sleigh right there.
Speaker 2:What a visual.
Speaker 1:Like really Dude. It's like Merry Christmas in my heart and like in other areas.
Speaker 4:Justin, you had some thoughts.
Speaker 5:As far as All I Want for Christmas is you, I'm just patiently waiting for the Drake remix to drop.
Speaker 1:Okay, that will ruin it.
Speaker 5:No, no, it will make it so much better.
Speaker 1:You know who Drake is? Yes, I know, hey, hey.
Speaker 5:Objection hearsay oh dang, I guess I don't.
Speaker 4:Chloe thoughts on All I Want for Christmas is you.
Speaker 3:I think it's definitely overdone, Chloe it's definitely a song. It's not a bad song. I like listening to it to get me in a really like. I won't only listen to it when I'm really trying to get into a happy holiday mood and I just want to dance around and sing and have fun, but I won't just voluntarily play it in my car and be like oh yeah, let me listen to this All right.
Speaker 1:It makes me want to gorge myself on some cookies and grow a white beard and break into people's houses and leave some Christmas gifts, so to play Chloe Advocate.
Speaker 2:No, justin, you can wait, hearsay, hearsay so, but you said that it makes you want to vomit.
Speaker 1:Essentially Right, so, but you said that it makes you want to vomit essentially Me. Yeah, no, I said, stick a fork in an outlet Okay. I got the tinglys. I love it.
Speaker 2:Okay, that is not what I got for you. Wait, sticking a fork in an outlet is bad for you. So you love the song? Dude, I literally said it makes me want to lie this whole time. I thought you hated it Normally when you love something, you don't relate to killing yourself.
Speaker 1:You know what happens when you stick a fork in it. I've done it several times, dude.
Speaker 2:You get the tinglies. Justin knows I love this. This honestly explains a lot, Dude. It's literally the best song. I love that song.
Speaker 1:It makes me literally want to be Santa Claus.
Speaker 4:I don't know, because the whole initial reaction was.
Speaker 2:the whole reaction was I don't know, because the whole initial reaction was he beats me in mainstream anything. The whole reaction was.
Speaker 1:I don't like the song. Yes, I do. He makes me want to stick a fork in. I love that song. It gives me the tingles.
Speaker 4:You said when you went to the bathroom a whole sleigh would come out.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because I'm just so excited, I'm so filled with the Christmas spirit.
Speaker 3:Everything you said sounded painful Is the tingling a good feeling or a bad feeling, Because to me I hear tingle and I'm like, ooh, that's not very good when you stick something into an outlet and you're electrocuted it feels awful.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 4:It's happened to you once. Go ahead and try it.
Speaker 2:It's electric.
Speaker 1:That's what I'm saying. I was trying to really describe how much We've got to work on our descriptors.
Speaker 4:You need to read over his devotional for Wednesday.
Speaker 2:before he gives it, you need to make sure this is.
Speaker 4:We'll have to do that, for sure I really do. I really love that song. Okay, so moving on from oh, justin, we are focusing on the wrong Christmas hit.
Speaker 5:Every year, there is one thing that tops the charts. Do you know what that is? It's.
Speaker 1:Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas going for Christmas. No shut up Objection hearsay.
Speaker 5:But the thing that tops the charts is I want a hippopotamus for Christmas.
Speaker 1:Hearsay Objection hearsay no, that's wrong.
Speaker 4:That song annoys me so much.
Speaker 2:I love Justin's illegal terminology.
Speaker 1:Subpoenaed Gag order. Objection it's like you watched one episode or one season of Suits terminology.
Speaker 4:Subpoenaed Gag order. Objection it's like you watched one episode or one season of Suits?
Speaker 1:Have y'all ever seen Suits?
Speaker 4:So it's like you got a hold of a couple episodes and then you want to talk like Harvey or something.
Speaker 5:Objection hearsay.
Speaker 1:Subpoenaed.
Speaker 4:Okay, what are your favorite Christmas songs?
Speaker 1:okay, I like All I Want for Christmas by Mariah Carey. That's number one. Uh, little Michael's Santa Claus is Coming to Town, so Michael Jackson before he became Michael Jackson, okay, uh who was he before? A good person oh then he touched. Then he touched kids afterwards and wasn't a good person anymore. Oof, alright, rest in peace, michael Jackson. Anything else probably like. There's one more. Oh, what is it? Jingle Bell Rock that?
Speaker 4:one Jingle Bell.
Speaker 3:Rock. Okay, that's cool Chloe. Okay, I have three. All right, hit us and they're kind of like albums and not like one song.
Speaker 2:I don't like that. Okay, okay, okay, fine, fine, I'll do one song. I have three albums.
Speaker 3:The Pentatonix these.
Speaker 2:Well, let me find a specific one for this one artist Nate, why don't you go ahead while Chloe's looking at the sign?
Speaker 3:Okay, I really like Forrest Frank's Christmas. Oh my goodness, I really like his.
Speaker 4:I think for you it's just Forrest Frank.
Speaker 3:In general Could literally. He recently came out with a song called the Present you better hope Forrest.
Speaker 1:Frank doesn't slide into Chloe's DMs Zeke. I'm worried every day.
Speaker 3:No, it's a song called the Present and it's like a really wholesome Christmas song and I really like that song. But also for King Country, little Drummer Boy. They did that in concert when I went last month and it was incredible, like one of the best performances I've ever seen.
Speaker 4:Okay.
Speaker 3:Last one is Silent Night, but not the like. I like the normal, but we, the Kingdom's version. That's Silent Night, and then in parentheses it says Heavenly Peace, so good.
Speaker 4:Okay.
Speaker 2:Justin.
Speaker 5:Good, I'm glad you didn't interrupt me.
Speaker 2:Hey, hey. Objection Subpoenaed Execution Execution.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 5:Lightning bolt. I'm going to be honest. I would say probably any of most of Pentatonix Christmas stuff. Yeah, pentatonix too, most of Pentatonix Christmas stuff.
Speaker 1:Yeah, pentatonix too, that's not. I love it. Pick a song.
Speaker 4:Okay, mary, did you Know.
Speaker 5:Mary, did you Know, is a great one.
Speaker 1:But is that your top three?
Speaker 5:Walking in a Winter Wonderland. Slash, don't Worry, be Happy is another good one as well.
Speaker 3:Justin, were you there when we did White Winter Hymnal?
Speaker 5:Yes, I forget that that was Pentatonix. Still, yeah, that one is so fine. Yes, that one is really good, get a little bit closer. Thanks, blaine, objection overruled, but I guess just most of the stuff. But also there's a band called Home Free. They're like an acapella Christmas thing and they sing a version of how Great Thou Art on their Christmas album.
Speaker 4:Oh, that's really good. It is incredible how Great Thou Art is not Christmas album. Oh, that's really good. It is incredible how Great Thou Art is not a Christmas song.
Speaker 5:But it's on their Christmas album. It is now Nate. Objection Execution.
Speaker 4:Zeke, do you have any favorite Christmas songs that you really?
Speaker 2:like you go first. I'm looking up the last one.
Speaker 4:Okay, let's see For me. I like Mary, did you Know? But just some of the classics for me. But did she know? Oh, Holy Night Silent.
Speaker 3:Night. Can we talk about that song?
Speaker 1:Okay, I think it's blasphemous. Mary, Did you Know?
Speaker 3:I don't have a problem with it, but it's funny because someone I know I'm not going to say who nobody in this room he makes fun of it because it's like duh, she did know. The angel told like you know, it's kind of like okay, that's 100%.
Speaker 4:Isaac, that is such an Isaac opinion.
Speaker 5:It wasn't Isaac. I hope you're listening, isaac, that is an Isaac type of opinion.
Speaker 1:Do you know who you're talking?
Speaker 2:about yeah, I know who you're talking about, okay, I mean related to the guy.
Speaker 3:Oh, is it, caleb?
Speaker 5:It's funny that y'all would guess yes, it is, it's 500%.
Speaker 3:No, it's not.
Speaker 2:Two things can be true at the same time. It can be Isaac.
Speaker 1:It is an.
Speaker 3:Isaac type of opinion. I will tell y'all after the podcast, okay.
Speaker 2:I won't be here after the podcast.
Speaker 3:Like right when we finish.
Speaker 2:That's your problem, not ours.
Speaker 5:You better like hurry up and spit it out, Chloe.
Speaker 4:We can just get Nate to edit it.
Speaker 2:No it's fun.
Speaker 4:Anyways. So for me just some of the classics, like oh Holy Night, the Japanese version.
Speaker 1:Can you sing the?
Speaker 4:Japanese version Blake Sing it Blake.
Speaker 1:Yeah, sing it Blake. I'm unfamiliar with the Japanese. I haven't been studying my Japanese.
Speaker 4:But so, Blake, I wasn't familiar with its existence. Can you sing a little bit?
Speaker 1:How does some lines go? I can't, I can't, I'm not fluent.
Speaker 3:What about the Mariah Carey version of Earl?
Speaker 4:No, don't let Blake off the hook here. Blake, I'm just curious. A few lines I just answered it A few lines of the Japanese version.
Speaker 1:I'm on my way, dude. I just answered it.
Speaker 4:Yes, Justin Do you really.
Speaker 5:I just got to ask have you watched the movie A Christmas Story?
Speaker 4:Yes.
Speaker 5:Do you really vibe with the scene where they're singing in the restaurant, the Chinese restaurant? Stop.
Speaker 4:Justin, yes, justin.
Speaker 5:Could you sing a little bit of that for us, deck the halls Moving on.
Speaker 4:So okay, zeke real quick.
Speaker 2:I have my next question, but any come to mind that you're like I like these. I don't know, this isn't in order because I can't figure out which ones are best, but just the name.
Speaker 1:Three or four, okay, angels, that's a good one hard to have angles
Speaker 5:yeah, yes, that angles um subpoenaed.
Speaker 2:Subpoenaed well, I forgot it uh, silent nights, it's good, good um but basic, but good yeah.
Speaker 4:I mean, I said that I love that song you're basic.
Speaker 2:You're basic. Drummer Boy is amazing. There's one that I it's probably my favorite Christmas song, but I refuse to remember the name and I don't know why and it's the na na na, na, na, na na sweet silver bells yeah, na na na na also need our listeners to understand all of our million and five listeners to understand.
Speaker 4:These people in the room with me had never heard of the Christmas song, christmas Shoes.
Speaker 2:I have.
Speaker 4:Okay, so Zeke had I have, but Chloe Blake and Justin had never heard of Christmas Shoes. Nate, you are lying.
Speaker 3:I told you. I have heard it, but it's been a while. Every time you lie, you make Jesus cry.
Speaker 4:I didn't listen to it growing up, so now, it's Blake and Justin had never heard of Christmas shoes.
Speaker 5:Objection hearsay, yeah, that is hearsay.
Speaker 1:I mean, but like whose hearts are breaking knowing that fact.
Speaker 4:Me Nobody's.
Speaker 1:Mine, all five of our listeners are not going to be like.
Speaker 2:I think they know Blake and Justin well enough to say that makes sense.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they're probably like. I'm surprised Blake and Justin even know who Jesus is half the time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's probably true, so like they're not surprised.
Speaker 4:So the favorites? What about our least favorite slash?
Speaker 1:I hope we never hear this song again, dude I would be so happy if we got rid of Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.
Speaker 2:That's what I was going to say. I mean, why is Mommy such an adulteress?
Speaker 1:Yeah, why is Mommy Kissing Santa Claus, and why is Michael Jackson also?
Speaker 5:singing that. Let me ask you this why it's 2024,? Why do we not have Daddy Kissing Santa Claus?
Speaker 1:It's 2024, guys, they do have that that's disgusting.
Speaker 5:Where is that when?
Speaker 2:is it? Where can I find it? Where is it?
Speaker 1:So I can tell people what not to listen to, so I can avoid it, you'll have to. You'll have to download a VPN, okay.
Speaker 4:Santa Baby Is one that just Annoys me.
Speaker 1:Hippopotamus for Christmas. I hate that one.
Speaker 4:What are you talking about? Hippopotamus for Christmas?
Speaker 1:And two front teeth, that one sucks too, baby, it's cold outside.
Speaker 3:What you don't like that? No, that song is creepy.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh no.
Speaker 3:I'm not talking about that I'm just saying the way they sing it is creepy. I don't like the way they sing it Listen.
Speaker 4:Have you become?
Speaker 3:a progressive leftist. No, I just don't like the song. I never have.
Speaker 5:Have you listened to Michael Bublé's version?
Speaker 3:You will fall in love with it again.
Speaker 4:That's the one that I'm watching.
Speaker 1:Michael Bubbles. That's how you say it. It's the best version it's Bublé, that's how you say it, I know, but the way you said it, michael Bublé.
Speaker 4:Michael Bubbles, I'm not trying to be Michael Bubbly Michael.
Speaker 3:Bubbly. I generally just don't like the song.
Speaker 5:I just wanted to tell you but hippopotamus for Christmas is trash, Justin.
Speaker 1:No, it's objection hearsay.
Speaker 4:For me for me I would love, because I was a retail worker, so I was in the battlefield, I was in the war zone. We were there with you and I grew to hate the Mariah Carey song.
Speaker 5:I did too.
Speaker 4:Where okay, let's say Black Friday, I'm working like a 12-14 hour shift To hear that song played, it felt like multiple times an hour. There is a form of torture I learned this in college that people use called music torture, when they will torture someone through just the manipulation of songs Just speed it up, slow it down, change the pitch and all that and it's a form of torture. I felt that in that store.
Speaker 1:I think you're just dramatic, Cause every time it came on it's like a shot of cocaine hitting my veins.
Speaker 4:Yes, we need to workshop those analogies. Yeah, is that better?
Speaker 1:No, no, it's not better. Honestly it's not not better. Honestly, it's better than your first one but not good.
Speaker 2:I thought like because it's electric, you know boogie woogie, yeah, electric boogaloo anyway.
Speaker 4:So mariah carey is all I want for christmas. Is you I'm? I'd be fine if that just disappeared from off the face of the earth. All right, who is the? Who is royalty more for christmas music? Mariah Carey or Michael Bubbly?
Speaker 1:Probably Santa Claus.
Speaker 2:Well, Forrest, frank. Forrest, frank for Chloe.
Speaker 1:I think Santa Claus is like ultimate Christmas royalty.
Speaker 2:Yes, mrs Claus, oh crap Never mind, he kissed my mom, so that's done.
Speaker 1:Why was mommy kissing Santa Claus?
Speaker 2:Can you blame her though?
Speaker 1:Probably Mariah Carey.
Speaker 4:Mariah Carey, you'd put her over? Yeah, of course he would.
Speaker 2:He would stick a fork in an outlet to listen to her.
Speaker 1:I would stick a fork in an outlet for Mariah Carey. What do you mean?
Speaker 4:I'd eat a whole Santa sleigh for Mariah Carey baby.
Speaker 1:I would do crack cocaine for Mariah Carey?
Speaker 4:Alright, well, you know. Okay, you like her, I can tell. So I guess last question is not music related, but still Christmassy, favorite Christmas movie. Side topic Christmas movie.
Speaker 3:Ooh, that's a hard one, justin.
Speaker 5:Nightmare Before Christmas, all the way. What Nightmare Before Christmas? Never seen it. Don't even act like you and I have fun Justin, Justin, hey.
Speaker 3:Justin.
Speaker 4:There are no wrong answers, but that was one, okay.
Speaker 5:Chloe.
Speaker 4:I wouldn't say it's the best. This is probably like top three because I don't know my favorite.
Speaker 3:It's great. But I don't know how you'll feel about this, but I love the Polar Express because it's very nostalgic to me. Like I used to watch it with hot chocolate in elementary school I used to watch it and sit with all my classmates and sip on hot chocolate.
Speaker 1:Like it was just like a whole thing. Dude, I would literally, whenever they put on the Polar Express, I would take my candy cane and I would like trade it into like a little shiv and try to stab it into my frontal lobe.
Speaker 4:It's so cute.
Speaker 1:But here's the problem that analogy sounds just like your electric one, so I don't know if you love the movie or not, I love the Polar Express.
Speaker 4:So Polar Express. I think Tom Hanks incredibly talented voices multiple people.
Speaker 3:What gets me about the?
Speaker 4:Polar Express, the animation's creepy.
Speaker 5:It is a little bit creepy, but I think it's kind of cute, the homeless guy up on the train, so I love some of the numbers on it.
Speaker 4:Some of the numbers on it phenomenal like a Christmas movie?
Speaker 1:Which one? That one? It's called A Christmas Movie. I've never heard of it. The You'll Shoot your Eye Out.
Speaker 4:A Christmas Story. Yeah, sorry, sorry.
Speaker 1:I was like Christmas movie. Maybe that's not my favorite.
Speaker 4:Blake, I thought I was like A Christmas.
Speaker 1:yes, that's what we're talking about, hey we have been up since two in the morning. Dude, yeah, true.
Speaker 5:Like, give us a break.
Speaker 1:What Zeke Ask that question again.
Speaker 2:Why did John not go to sleep?
Speaker 1:Oh, I don't know, zeke, maybe because I had to drive Nate home.
Speaker 4:You drove me home to your house Shut up.
Speaker 5:Where you then slept. Here's a.
Speaker 1:Subpoenaed, subpoenaed. I also was starving because we went to a karaoke bar that served no food.
Speaker 2:Blake, we ate at 88.
Speaker 1:Buffet.
Speaker 2:At 6 o'clock.
Speaker 5:No, blake, I don't think you understood what you said.
Speaker 2:You said I've been up since 2 am. You didn't say you went to bed at 2 am.
Speaker 3:Oh, I went to bed at 2 am. Yeah, you said you were up since 2 am. Oh, my gosh Dude is this what is up with you in language?
Speaker 5:That's why I was so confused.
Speaker 1:Are you like some atheist debater now where it's like I didn't quite understand?
Speaker 2:because you said of instead of this word Objection.
Speaker 5:Objection Hearsay Execution.
Speaker 4:Justin, what did you want to say?
Speaker 5:Okay so.
Speaker 1:It better be intelligent, or else he's not going to get it.
Speaker 5:He seems to hate my Nightmare Before Christmas. Recommendation.
Speaker 1:I like it, it's just not the best. You're wrong.
Speaker 5:But my close second would be the National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
Speaker 2:Never heard of it. Never heard of it.
Speaker 5:It's really funny.
Speaker 2:Oh, my goodness.
Speaker 5:Oh my gosh, I've legit never seen it Between. Christmas Shoes for you two and that movie for Blake and Zeke guys, we need to be a little bit more cultural. It is so funny Cultural, cultural, all right, cultural cultural.
Speaker 4:Alright, not to say, like I said, there are no wrong answers other than the one Justin gave.
Speaker 1:But the right answer, the only one, is it's a wonderful life, that's fine no dude, that thing's on hallmark 24 7 no, the right answer is wait, zeke, you haven't.
Speaker 3:There's no way you haven't seen it. We're gonna watch it, like tonight. If I describe it to you, you've seen it, you're lying.
Speaker 1:Okay, so the guy he like wants to.
Speaker 4:No, no, no no, he's seen it. He's going to watch it, he's seen it. No, he hasn't I don't think he has Like continue. No, no, no no, I don't want to see it. So we're finding out that people here need to listen to some music and watch some movies. Yes, all right.
Speaker 3:Okay, question. Yes, ma'am For the group and don't hate me because I cannot remember the title of this movie. What's that movie that's really controversial, whether it's a Christmas movie or not.
Speaker 4:Die.
Speaker 2:Hard, yes, okay, what do y'all think? That's not controversial.
Speaker 3:I've never seen Die.
Speaker 1:Hard. Really, it's the best.
Speaker 3:Christmas movie there is. I think it is a Christmas movie, but it's not.
Speaker 2:Technically, it's the second best Christmas movie.
Speaker 3:It's not the Christmas movie. No, it is. It has Christmas stuff in it, but it's not Christmas.
Speaker 1:Home Alone. Now, that's a baller movie. Home Alone's a good movie.
Speaker 5:That is a baller movie.
Speaker 1:That's a banger movie, right there they got away with.
Speaker 4:How Home Alone, how they advertise it, it's not the two robbers picking on the little kid, it's the kid, it was the little kid torturing the two robbers?
Speaker 2:Did Nate just feel the need to explain what Home Alone is? No, what if somebody hadn't watched that?
Speaker 4:It's the changing of the perspective.
Speaker 3:It's not I'd never noticed that it's always poor little kid.
Speaker 4:Oh, he's home alone. No, he is a trained sadist. Yeah, luring people into his home so he can torture them.
Speaker 2:That is that movie Stupid.
Speaker 1:D is what I gotta say to that.
Speaker 2:What a comment. Unpopular opinion, but Narnia is one of the best Christmas movies I love.
Speaker 1:Narnia Unpopular opinion. I agree Okay.
Speaker 2:I thought it was going to have more pushback.
Speaker 1:Not to be offensive.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Chloe hates it as a Christmas movie.
Speaker 3:You don't like Christmas movies. No, that is not what I said. I bet you hate Harry Potter. I said I didn't think of it as a Christmas movie, but I like the movie.
Speaker 2:Santa's in it there's snow and Jesus is proclaimed.
Speaker 3:It's been a while since.
Speaker 4:I've seen it. What more do you?
Speaker 2:need. I bet you hate Harry Potter.
Speaker 4:There's a new Narnia movie coming out, by the way. I know I'm sorry.
Speaker 1:I am too hard I like dark it's good, it's a good move. You would like it, I don't you would like it, I wouldn't like it you don't like die hard.
Speaker 5:You don't like cookie cake all right y'all.
Speaker 4:So that is a wrap for this episode. Any other final comments, questions or?
Speaker 1:uh, before blake takes us home, I think next week, because it will be like, no, we won't have it next week, will we? No, no, it'll be a couple days before christmas.
Speaker 4:We won't have it next week, will we? No, it'll be a couple days before Christmas. We won't have it. We'll come back the week after.
Speaker 1:Will we have one more before Christmas?
Speaker 4:Not before Christmas.
Speaker 1:Oh, dang it, I was just going to say okay, after can we please do like? Because, think about it, when we were all younger, we were apologists for Santa Claus. So could we like come like back for New Year's and be like? What was your best evidence to tell people that Santa was real?
Speaker 4:That would not work with Isaac.
Speaker 1:We won't include him, easy Done.
Speaker 2:All right, y'all, we are Dang you win. Nate Chat. Gpt says the best Christmas movie is it's a Wonderful Life and best song is oh Holy Night. It tried to give me multiple answers. I said no, I want one answer, and it picked those two.
Speaker 1:I bet you're just so happy right now, yeah.
Speaker 2:I looked it up, I mean I hope Santa gives you coal.
Speaker 4:I mean fuck y'all. Watch it, listen to Christmas Shoes.
Speaker 5:No, it's three minutes, I don't care I want to add the new Christmas.
Speaker 4:Listen to Christmas Shoes.
Speaker 5:No no.
Speaker 4:It's three minutes.
Speaker 2:I don't care no.
Speaker 4:Hold on.
Speaker 2:I want to add the new Christmas movie that just came out.
Speaker 3:Oh yes.
Speaker 2:Greatest Christmas pageant ever.
Speaker 3:The best Christmas pageant.
Speaker 2:It is in my top three Christmas movies now yes, so good.
Speaker 5:I want to add that the new Christmas movie Red One, featuring Dwayne the Rock Thompson you know the fact that I said featuring gonna say feet wing, but um is probably way better than that christmas, whatever pageant. Okay, a thousand, we'll fight after this. Does yours proclaim the name of jesus? No, but it proclaims the name of the rock dude, you mean peter better yeah, that's you know the rock.
Speaker 4:Anyways, all right, blake, take us home.
Speaker 2:All right, Blake take us home Skibbity Toilet.
Speaker 1:Give me a D Pause.
Speaker 3:I think we should end in a Christmas song.
Speaker 4:All right, Chloe, take it away you.
Speaker 3:Sing with me.
Speaker 4:Chloe, you're the best singer here We'll do it.
Speaker 1:What are we?
Speaker 3:singing.
Speaker 1:I'm trying to think of one that's like Sing All I Want for Christmas by Mariah Carey Starts out.
Speaker 3:Don't want a life for. Christmas.
Speaker 5:Grimma.
Speaker 1:Merry, chrysler Merry.
Speaker 4:Christmas.
Speaker 1:That's all I needed.
Speaker 5:Thank you. There is the one thing I need and I don't care about the presents.
Speaker 3:Underneath the Christmas tree.
Speaker 5:I just want you for my own.
Speaker 1:More than you can ever know. Make my wish come true.
Speaker 5:Make it come true, baby.
Speaker 1:Baby all I want for Christmas. Let's sing it really flat, okay, ready is you yeah, there we go there we go alright, see y'all later. Skaters, is it off? I was gonna say who that person was.
Speaker 3:it's not off, okay, nevermind Later skaters, is it off? I was going to say who that person was.
Speaker 2:It's not off.
Speaker 3:Okay, never mind, no-transcript.