Dangerous Faith

Turning 100! Also, Election Reactions (Dangerous Life)


Nate Williams and the Dangerous Life Team celebrate our 100th episode! Also, they give their reactions to the 2024 General Election.

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Speaker 1:

I like my women, like I like my dogs. Don't have a dog.

Speaker 2:

Trained and well-groomed.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Mariah, that was actually a good one. That was pretty good. I'm never making a joke. Good job.

Speaker 1:

Mariah, that was nice. We have to keep that in there. That was perfect.

Speaker 3:

I've been recording for the last 20 minutes.

Speaker 1:

I'm very proud of you, Mariah.

Speaker 2:

That was like a Blake-level, nate-level joke people.

Speaker 1:

Okay, don't put my name next to something misogynistic that was clever.

Speaker 3:

Welcome to the Dangerous Faith Podcast. My name is Nate Williams and we have our team here Blake, chloe, zeke and Mariah. This is our 100th episode, so we've survived.

Speaker 4:

Yes, I will insert the clapping little laugh track clapping thing. If you say you're going to do that, it's so stupid yeah.

Speaker 1:

Cut that out and just add it we could have just clapped for you.

Speaker 4:

That was so millennial of you you don't have to describe something you're going to do in editing but I actually wasn't going to do it.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, it was just saying I could editing hey, nate, editing, nate, this will be our last episode yes, I'm about to fire everybody now.

Speaker 3:

Uh, through this we'll mention some things about the podcast, but we appreciate y'all listening all the you know two or three listeners out there, hi, mom and many others out there, very thankful, very blessed, and so we've covered a lot of different topics and for today we're going to have some reactions to the 2024 election, and so let's go back to Tuesday. Polls generally close 7 pm, so you're just watching at night, I think 7 pm for Alabama. I can't speak for all the other states. You're watching as the results are coming in. What are our thoughts leading up to that point? What are we thinking there for y'all?

Speaker 4:

Like before the uh, before we had any result, or before the day of the election or before the results?

Speaker 3:

where are we leading into it?

Speaker 4:

I'm nervous but, like leading up to the election, I felt, to use a millennial or gen z term it felt like the uh, the vibes were better for Trump. Vibes for Trump were better, I know that sounds stupid though, but honestly, just watching the election or not the election, but watching their campaigns, it just felt like Trump was going to win. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

I agree.

Speaker 3:

Even though everyone kept saying it's neck and neck.

Speaker 4:

I'm like man. It just really feels like he's knocking it out of the park with this interview, this interview, this interview the ones I watch of her. I try to just straight up watch her interviews without watching commentary. I'm like dang. Even just watching it, well, unedited, you know, before watching the commentary on it, I was like man, she just she's so disconnected.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, just she doesn't understand.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I gotta say too, I kind of felt like a strange I don't know, just kind of at peace with how it was going to go. And I also just I don't know, I kept even hearing that some like liberals didn't even like Kamala. So the more I heard that, the more I was like oh, I don't know how, I don't, I didn't know how it was going to go, but I did have a really strong feeling that it was going to be Trump that it was going to be Trump, same with all the like.

Speaker 2:

I think it was interesting before the amount of division that was caused between the two and, obviously, the parties. But, like you said, there's, you know, leftists and liberals even that say they agreed and wanted more Trump's viewpoints and his policies and not kamala, because it just what she stood for and stuff. I think, yeah, she didn't have like a foundation like trump very much had, just like so much like loyalty within his like the people that support him too so a consistent theme is the energy for harris just isn't there, as much as for the trump base.

Speaker 1:

Yeah I had like. Uh, what did they say on the daily wire?

Speaker 3:

like a nauseated confidence a nauseously optimistic yeah, that's how I felt, like I being 24 and not and just being afraid that I'll never be able to own my own home, like it was just nauseating to think about that.

Speaker 1:

And so, like now that I don't have to worry about a potential Harris, and here's to say, like I'm not going to say it was all doom and gloom, I just based on what she based on. I'm not saying like I'm not going to say it was all doom and gloom, I just based on what she based on. I'm not saying like I'm not going off her character, but I'm going off of her policy. That's a whole nother topic, but just policy alone. I'm sure if she would've gotten to office she wouldn't have done anything different, in the sense of she wouldn't have done anything radical. Like she said, she care, they just don't care, they don't do anything, they just drag their feet the entire time. But still I was.

Speaker 3:

Still I was just worried about having to go through that again another four years of just a bad, a bad economy.

Speaker 4:

Just now, zeke, as blake was pouring his heart out talking about his desire to have a house you started laughing at oh I was laughing at the part where he says uh at 24 and then described how he's 24, as if that wasn't already clear.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he said I'm 24.

Speaker 1:

It was more so like a you pulled a Nate where he's like and this is where I put in the clapping yeah. It was because it was just like a dig. I'm like man, you're 24.

Speaker 4:

Start self-reflecting. When I go back to edit this episode I'm going to be annoying I episode I'm going to be annoying, I'm going to spam the clapping sound please, just for you anytime, but he's still gonna leave in the part where he talks about all right now I put into the cloud. I'm gonna put in the clapping now boom be ready those for you know, if you have sensitive ears, beware, we will be trigger warning clap effect coming in all right.

Speaker 3:

So we're feeling pretty confident. As y'all can tell, we're conservative, politically pretty confident. Heading into the I guess polls closing, we start to get results. Then, as the night goes on and we're seeing the numbers roll in, what were your thoughts and feelings there and when were you pretty confident like, ok, trump's got this Anyone?

Speaker 4:

there and when were you pretty confident like, okay, trump's got this. Anyone, uh, I would say around 10 o'clock ish that night, whenever he started taking leads in, like pennsylvania and uh, some of those states, like once georgia was decided and he had, uh, what was it? It wasn't north carolina, I don't think it was.

Speaker 1:

Yeah he called, he got north carolina.

Speaker 4:

He got north carolina pretty early pretty much, when all we were waiting for is to see if he got Pennsylvania or one of those. I was like he looks like he's leading. I'm ready to go to bed.

Speaker 3:

I wasn't really worried. How late did y'all stay up? I think we finally met at 1130, but I was ready around 10.

Speaker 1:

We just had family over and I stayed up with them. I fell asleep about 1130 actually watching.

Speaker 2:

Probably like 10, something.

Speaker 3:

So I stayed up until about 1 o'clock. That was when Fox officially called Pennsylvania as soon as Trump got one of what's called the Blue Wall Wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. Once he got one of those paths, she didn't have a path to victory from there, one of those states, I should say.

Speaker 4:

And you ended up flipping all of them. I'm just so thankful we found out the night of instead of having to wait.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I always think is because my mom was like, oh, it'll be a while.

Speaker 1:

See that's what was stressing me out. Sorry, Chloe. No, you're good but that's what was stressing me out is because me and Zeke could watch on the one I had on my phone. We could actually watch them flip in real time. And so it was just like man. Why is it taking so long? Because Florida is such a gigantic state.

Speaker 3:

They had all theirs counted way beforehand.

Speaker 1:

So just like watching that again, knowing that these were the states that Trump needed to get, that was stressful.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that's something I was a little surprised about too, because I have a friend whose boyfriend works for Trump and he said that it wasn't going to be probably till like Friday or Saturday that we'd get the results in, and so I was kind of like hanging on that the whole time. So when I woke up Wednesday and found out I was like oh, like I was shocked that we already knew the results.

Speaker 1:

That was literally the first thing I did when I woke up. I like hit Siri and my eyes weren't even open. I was like Siri who won?

Speaker 5:

I just saw Nate's text that said he won.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, my eyes finally opened. That's the first thing I saw.

Speaker 5:

Oh, thanks, Nate.

Speaker 3:

That's what y'all wish. Every day you wake up you're like I need to see Nate and see Nate's text.

Speaker 1:

Why don't you send those?

Speaker 3:

Pretty much how my life goes is like you probably see too much of me and you probably hate me at some point.

Speaker 1:

It's like Jesus.

Speaker 5:

I'm just wondering why Nate doesn't text us good morning every morning I can and good night. He doesn't hate me, yes.

Speaker 3:

Zeke, do you want that?

Speaker 4:

I see you enough, but anyways, I talk to you way too much.

Speaker 3:

So we're feeling pretty good. Eventually, they call it for Trump Real quick. I've asked lots of people this and I think I asked through the group chat, but I forget what apps or websites or channels were y'all looking to for results? What?

Speaker 4:

did y'all go to? Sorry, you called me a vid John.

Speaker 5:

Y'all both are still on the same time.

Speaker 4:

We had Timcast because that's what my brother watches, so he asked us to turn that on. We went between Timcast and Daily Wire for what we were watching, and then what? Was the thing you had on your phone Associated Press, okay, and then I had the New York Times tracker because that's what they were using, so I pulled it up on my phone.

Speaker 1:

I was looking at the Associated Press live stream that they had on YouTube. Yeah so, chloe, obviously you're with them, yeah All together.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we were all there.

Speaker 1:

One big happy family, so you're with them all together.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we were all there, and so we. On my end, I was looking at yeah Daily Wire, new York Times and okay, trump wins. Next day, there are some interesting reactions going on, what's collectively called the meltdown videos. Have you all seen those? What are your thoughts on that?

Speaker 2:

I think that it fully demonstrates the I don't know, the word. The immaturity, the character of these people who claim the exact opposite on the, I guess, the people they are against.

Speaker 5:

So it's very just interesting the way they're screaming into the telephone yeah, yes and this isn't exactly a reaction video, but I watched one of brett cooper's videos that she posted yesterday and apparently like there were colleges that had like self-care rooms for after the election for students that were grieving to go in there, and also professors who were liberal were like canceling class and sending out all these like really sad and just disgusting emails that were like I cannot even fathom, like they were just canceling class and I'm like you're an adult, like go to your job. That's crazy.

Speaker 3:

What do we think about that class is having you know those amenities and canceling class I?

Speaker 5:

think it's ridiculous. I think people need to learn to deal with stuff that they don't want in life. They don't always get what they want, and that's part of going to college isn't it the kind and compassionate thing to do?

Speaker 4:

no, no, I don't think so okay, is he's not kind and compassionate, just to do?

Speaker 5:

No, no, I don't think so actually.

Speaker 4:

It's not kind and compassionate. Just give someone something they don't need like giving a kid too much candy.

Speaker 3:

So okay, y'all have our team mascot Archie. You can't tell me when you've had a bad day. Going home to Archie might help things feel better.

Speaker 5:

Yes, it does, and.

Speaker 4:

I but guess what. I started to go into work the next day. I'm sort of adult. I started to go do my job. You should cancel.

Speaker 3:

You should tell your boss. Hey, I just don't feel like working today.

Speaker 5:

I just think, I just think a big part of growing up and becoming an adult, and especially like going to college or being a professor or whatever that should let you like that. That is how you learn to like. You still have to go through life even though things happen to you Like you can't just always call out of your job because of something minor happening in your life that doesn't even directly affect you. I don't know, it was just childish.

Speaker 4:

I feel bad for them because it honestly like has the same symptoms of like an abusive relationship like you have your parties constantly saying, like, if you don't pick us, you are going to die.

Speaker 4:

You're all your rights are going to be taken away, all these bad things are going to happen to. You need us. Like. If you don't have us, like you're screwed you. You have nothing, you have nowhere to go, and that's like the same thing like an abuser would do is like make it to where they're the only source that you can get these things from, and you're, you know, up the crap. Uh, up the creek without a paddle. If you don't, up the crap might as well be, I mean like they and that's.

Speaker 4:

We talked about the uh, another episode where, like, we've lost the ability to really like, reflect on previous times. Like I mean, I can understand for some of the younger ones, but, like some of these, I've seen some older meltdown videos. I'm like you've experienced several elections. At this point you should know by now, like you may not be happy with a candidate, but it's not the end of the world. Right, our system has. So far it's worked out. It hasn't just fallen apart because one guy got into presidency for four years. Heck, you even know trump got in for four years and I know some of the pushbacks, but yeah, but this time he doesn't have anyone holding him back. He can do whatever you want.

Speaker 1:

I'm like and he's not going to what do y'all think now?

Speaker 3:

this would be a leftist kind of response. They would say oh, that's easy for you to say Trump, he tend to vote Democrat. The fewer degrees you have or less educated I put that in air quotes the less educated you are, you tend to vote Republican.

Speaker 4:

If I could speak English, and so now you just have a bunch of less educated and why you can't speak yes, educated um, if you're, these people are running the country like there's reason to be afraid.

Speaker 3:

If all that's happening, it's like reverse I don't know, the democratic party.

Speaker 1:

It has done a. They do a master class in manipulation and narcissism. Like I really do grieve for the people that are having meltdowns because I don't know, like I said, like Izzy said, like an abuser, they are master class manipulators and I just, I don't know, I feel I really feel bad for them. I really feel bad Like the way that they're able to twist anything.

Speaker 3:

I think my point off of what you're saying is you can see how they get there. The sky's falling, it's all over from their point of view.

Speaker 2:

And it's such a culture. I'd say it's a culture thing Because, like someone was saying, there's been past elections and you know there's been Democrats. This, these kind of actions, what they're doing, how they're taking it and reacting, has not been a reaction before.

Speaker 4:

So why is it and why is it accepted within them? Now, yeah, I think the other thing is that I was hurt. You were going to say something.

Speaker 2:

No, you go no go ahead.

Speaker 1:

No, this is how it works. Head of the house.

Speaker 4:

You're right. But I mean it's kind of like in the sense of I've lost my train of thought. Oh, they're like okay. At first I would say I would give them the grace to say okay, while they're making people scared. They're not doing it like deceptively, like they are actually scared. But then you have where I think they've kind of shown their true colors lately, with kamala's acceptance or concession speech, where she's like guys, let's, everything's gonna be okay, we're gonna try to work together.

Speaker 4:

I'm like where was this like a month ago, when you were saying this is the end of democracy, like he's hitler like, yeah, the world is going to end, like a month ago, and now, all of a sudden, that you didn't win. It's like, guys, everything's cool, we're going to be okay.

Speaker 1:

I'm like no, that's not like that's deception right there, literally hitler.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's not okay, yeah yeah, I agree, and that's the hypocrisy. So which is it? Do you believe what you were saying or were you just manipulating people the whole time?

Speaker 5:

chloe, you had some thoughts yeah, um, I just wanted to say like I don't think that there's any problem with like grieving like something that's something that they didn't want. Like that is OK. Like if it went the other way and Trump didn't win and Kamala did, like we would be grieving in a sense because like we wanted Trump to win. But I think there's just been too many extremes where, like you see women like literally shaving their heads and crying in front of a camera because like that's just, that's extreme. Ok, yeah, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 4:

And same goes for any idiots on the right that would have done something. They may not have done that, but they would have overreacted.

Speaker 5:

I think there's extremes on both sides, but I do think there is some like it's OK to agree, like that's OK, it's OK to be sad that you didn't get what you want. But I do also want to point out like something I've been thinking about the past couple of days is like I feel like you know, we're so encouraged to go vote, especially, I think, by the leftists, like that I think the Republicans do to like encourage you to go vote, but more on that side, you see, like hey, go vote, go make your voice heard, and it's like OK, like that's what we're going to do and then after it like they complain and it's like go make sure what you said is heard, but make sure to agree with me yeah, exactly have y'all heard of a movement among this is the progressive left, the 4b movement yes, I watched the whole video on it.

Speaker 5:

I don't think so chloe, can you?

Speaker 3:

uh, you don't have to share everything about it but broadly, can you explain?

Speaker 5:

yeah, so there's a thing, everything about it, but broadly, can you explain? Yeah so there's a thing in. Is it South Korea? Yes, where it originated, where it says no dating, no marriage, no kids, no sex with men, of course, and just for women to like stand up for like. How would you explain what they said?

Speaker 3:

Because Harris lost to stand up to men, the patriarchy, those things it's like a movement of feminism, basically that makes sense.

Speaker 5:

And then I'm like, yeah, stop having sex before marriage, that's great.

Speaker 3:

I agree. It's like the joke was off of that. Christians are responding oh, you found celibacy, yeah awesome.

Speaker 1:

That's the thing you should be doing. Great, also to be fair, like because I've seen a couple videos where the women are like you think I'm gonna have sex with you now. It's a fat chance. And I was like you're not the only woman, like you're not producing any children like it may be better for society. That's why I'm not saying that, but i'm'm just like. You're one person, I am saying that, by the way.

Speaker 3:

My joke on Twitter was again to my two followers was probably worse than Trump. And, oh yes, three followers now. My joke was this OK, I agree with all the feminist, progressive, leftist women who are doing this, leftist women who are doing this. If y'all just don't have children for the next 20, 40 years, I think a lot of our societal problems will be over with you, so y'all stay strong for the next few decades and you'll really show it to the men.

Speaker 4:

Their way of pushing back is just, obviously they don't see the irony. It's just kind of hilarious and what I'm about to quote may not have ever actually happened, but I could swear I heard it happening. I feel like one of the daily wire hosts talked about a few years ago whenever women were upset at trump because he was doing something, taking away some right, some other rights or something, and they had some rally where they're like uh, some girl uh said we're going to start walking around without shirts on or something to show the nipple yeah, something like that, and trump like, tweet back like okay, go for it, and he's.

Speaker 4:

They're like. They can't really see past the thought of like you're, you're doing the exact same thing he wanted you to do yes, in your protest to stop him doing I don't know the women who are like I'm gonna show men, I'm gonna walk around naked.

Speaker 3:

Well, there are a lot of guys that would love that.

Speaker 1:

So and and it just again it's 99% of men agree yes, and so you just okay. No, that's rude. I'm not going to say that, blake, yeah All right.

Speaker 3:

So we have all these reactions. Do y'all have any predictions? Let's say Trump's first a hundred days. People always say that Trump's first a hundred days. What do you think he's going to do? Any guesses, any thoughts there?

Speaker 1:

He said his first 24 hours. He's going to stop the Ukraine war, so that's going to be interesting.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so stop the Ukraine war.

Speaker 2:

I think we'll see some. I think he'll follow through with some of the things that he's set out to do and also already I've seen Bobby like Bobby Kennedy already like on some of the things that he wanted to implement is already like being talked about coming into effect. So that's cool.

Speaker 3:

Yeah Zeke. What are your thoughts?

Speaker 4:

I mean, I don't know for sure, I haven't really thought about that that much. Hopefully he'll start taking care of some of the energy problems we have, where we can become more self-sufficient, reliant. But the other thing I mean, hasn't he just him getting elected seems to have made an impact. Close, tell me about headline. I'd like to hear your thoughts of how Hamas is now looking to have a peace treaty or something For sure, because he became president.

Speaker 4:

You can speak more on that, because he became President-elect. You can speak more on that, that's nutty.

Speaker 3:

What happened was the Biden administration made Israel fight with one arm behind their back. All right, got to be careful what you do, and the Democrats always do this to Israel. If Israel was left to their own devices, they would end wars so quickly. Their technology capabilities is absolutely mind-blowing, but Democrats will kind of hold them back. Trump won't do that. Trump basically would say, hey, do what you need to do, and Hamas knows that.

Speaker 3:

So once Trump was elected, hamas is reaching out, being like all right, let's figure out how to end this, and that's what was going to happen. The same thing, I bet, with Hezbollah in Iran, or Iran, ukraine and Russia. He'll probably figure that one out, and you just have a stronger leader on the world stage, which is needed. I bet he's going to work on the border, put some executive orders in place, remain in Mexico, which is the way it always should be. Hey, yeah, if you want to come into the US, great, but while you're waiting, wait in mexico. That's just common sense. Uh, hopefully, if we have the house, the senate and, obviously, the presidency, hopefully we pass some voter id laws. That would be great. It's, it's common sense. When you go to vote, show your I d yeah and hate it.

Speaker 4:

We had to do that.

Speaker 3:

And just all around Elon Musk hopefully he comes in. Our government is obese from the point of just too much spending, regulations, regulatory power and the amount of jobs that the government has just for no reason. So cut and burn with the government in terms of how bloated it is. Rfk with health things. We allow in our country a lot of health, I guess, ingredients that are banned in other countries because they're so bad. So hopefully we can get some healthier food dyes and other elements of that.

Speaker 3:

Another thing pharmaceuticals can directly advertise to people through your TV with commercials. That's unheard of. Pharmaceuticals should have to people through your TV with commercials. That's unheard of. Pharmaceuticals should have to go through doctors and it's the doctors that talk to you about what your best options are. So hopefully that's fixed. I don't want to see another pharmaceutical advertisement. Y'all know how it is Ozempic, ozempic, but also others, and now I think of all the jingles and where you have someone saying how all the side effects that will end your life and the people are really happy in the commercials yeah, it's a good dizziness, heart dizziness diarrhea potentially death but as you, I think you can jump real quick okay, I wasn't ready for that one.

Speaker 2:

Sorry guys, sorry but, I Sorry, whoops.

Speaker 4:

But I think it was RFK who said it or it was someone who was interviewing Trump and they were talking about RFK and stuff he said. Either way, something that he said that really stuck with me was he said that America is oh, it's Charlie Kirk. He said that America is number one when it comes to acute care, meaning like a quick fix.

Speaker 3:

I saw this one when it comes to acute care, meaning like a quick fix, and we are like almost dead last when it comes to like long or, uh, preventative care or long-term care something where, like, you're actually helping fix the problem instead of just giving a quick solution to it.

Speaker 4:

Like if someone's got an illness, we can fix that right, right away, but we can't say, oh, you need to go exercise and eat better and do this. Like we're not good at saying stuff like that.

Speaker 3:

A lot of our R&D is designed to fix problems that exist, as opposed to prevention, to allow us not to get to that point in the first place, and so in order for that model to work, people need to have problems. So we have all these pills. Exactly what Zeke's saying it's an industry based around people having to have issues so that they can be fixed. So good point there, zeke, but anyway. So any other broad thoughts on the election, what happened, reactions, and then I'll mention briefly again this is our, our 100th episode, and we'll talk about that, but before we do that, anything else about the election can I just bring up something funny real quick yes did y'all hear about the day before the election what Kamala was doing?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 5:

I don't think I even told you about this, I just learned about it this morning. She was going up to people's doors and like campaigning, and no, and she would like. She would be like, hey, can we run that again? Like, can you go back to your door and get a better reaction? Yes, oh, and like. And then, you know, the day of the election she did the whole thing where she was calling voters and she turned her phone around.

Speaker 3:

I was on the camera. Yes.

Speaker 5:

I just I don't know, there's just something so fake about it and I don't know it just is really unsettling to me.

Speaker 3:

I've mentioned this before A fake campaign, fake energy. Tim Walls was their guy that was going to reach the manly men of America. So he is replacing an air filter on a truck, but the air filter in the commercial is completely clean. You don't replace a clean filter.

Speaker 4:

Also, that's the easiest thing to replace.

Speaker 3:

I could do it True true, there's that, but also it does need to be replaced.

Speaker 1:

Make him bullrod next time. You want to prove to me that you're a man, bullrod Naked.

Speaker 3:

He went hunting.

Speaker 1:

Kiss another dude. Kiss another dude, Tim Walls. Prove to me that you're a man.

Speaker 3:

Kiss a dude, all right. So that's Blake's suggestion. I'm sure he will be hired very quickly as a political advisor. Tim Walls went out hunting. He had a group of people around to go again hunting air quotes and the clothes that were bought I mentioned this before in other areas the clothes that were bought were clearly just bought and if you're a hunter, you have hunting clothes that you've worn before that look used, clearly bought for the photo op. And then when he went to go load or reload his gun, he struggled and it was caught on camera that he was struggling to load his gun. It happens from time to time, but if you're trying to reach the men of America and these are the things you're trying to do people see through that.

Speaker 4:

You gotta at least try better than that.

Speaker 3:

You obviously don't know your audience, yeah and and, and you know, trump goes on, rogan musk goes on, rogan vance goes on rogue. And so going to the podcast circuit. I mentioned this on radio. Trump broke the old model going to cnn, msnbc doing that. Now it's. Can you hit up the podcasts? Can you hit up the youtubers, can you? That is the new arena that really matters kamala did that too.

Speaker 1:

She went on the call her daddy podcast, but it was so. Those stipulations is what it's not a reputable it's not a reputable podcast, but it is is popular along pop culture for a certain segment of women.

Speaker 4:

I think that was the. If I had to pick one moment, for me that felt like that was the nail in the coffin for Kamala was when Trump went on the Theo Vaughn, the Joe Rogan I didn't watch some of these other ones, but I know he went on the Aiden Ross. I don't even know who that is.

Speaker 1:

No way, he went on the Aiden.

Speaker 4:

Ross live stream.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know yeah.

Speaker 4:

Anywho, he went on Logan Paul Again. Don't really care for Logan Paul, but he went on some of the biggest ones for younger generations who aren't watching CNN and Fox. Not only did he go on there, he went on there, oh, the Flagrant podcast with Andrew Schultz. He went on all these and he was just a normal human being for a couple hours. I think some people got to see like, yeah, maybe they're right about his policies, but like he's a human, he's not Hitler, like these guys wouldn't be having Hitler on their podcast, yeah, and I think people got to see that and I think Kamala made them. I think so. That was the dagger. But then what really solidified it past? That was, kamala wasn't willing to do the same thing.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Rogan invited her and she's like no, we can't have it there, we have to have it in my place. It can only be for an hour and you can't ask me these questions. He's like then I don't want to do it.

Speaker 3:

That's not what it is.

Speaker 4:

Yeah and Trump they were like we can talk about whatever, and literally yeah, and that's the whole thing about. It's literally like a conversation yeah, I think Joe like yeah, they talked about a lot of different stuff.

Speaker 1:

They talked about fighters for like an hour yeah because Donald Trump is huge in the fight game, like he loves fighting, like you got to see some stuff he actually cares about talking about, and of course they got to some like more political stuff.

Speaker 3:

But like just for a half a second.

Speaker 1:

You got to see like this candidate's like yeah, and maybe we wouldn't know what she's like yeah that's what I've heard too.

Speaker 2:

We don't know what even is her personality.

Speaker 3:

I saw one picture the day after the election's over and I forget she was playing on the ground like Connect Four, with a couple of her nieces maybe, and she was laughing as they were playing. And I remember thinking as I saw that picture again, I forget exactly who she was with. That was the most genuine I've ever seen her. She's playing Connect Four with a couple of family kid family members. Where was that?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they did such a bad job campaigning for it with the ads and all that stuff Like, oh, it was a train wreck.

Speaker 3:

It was a train wreck, so in a flawless campaign that bullcrap um, and so the, the political left, the analysts, commentators, they have a couple routes. They go they lost again because uneducated, dumb people voted for trump. Or they lost because, uh, america sexist and racist. If, if the Democrats that's the route they want to take, if that's their answer for 2024, the same thing's going to happen. Twenty, twenty eight.

Speaker 4:

I forgot that. You asked for other stuff. Chloe, remind me of it. There's a video that came out like. I think it came out the day before. Obviously it was filmed like the last week of the election, I think.

Speaker 5:

Maybe I'm wrong, but there are some guys in uh harris walls t-shirts going door to door to people who had uh they're not harris, I know they're not.

Speaker 4:

They were dressed up as them and they went to doors that had the harris campaign in their front yards and they were knocking on door with some uh guys who looked like they're from mexico, I'm guessing, or wherever and they like hey, we've got some immigrants and they're looking for housing.

Speaker 4:

We was wondering if they could stay with y'all. We saw that y'all are Harris supporters, so Harris is out campaigning looking for places for them to stay. They're like oh no, we have kids here. Oh, don't worry, he's good with kids. He was actually dating a teenager just last week and stuff like that. Like just go indoors and none of them came by, none of them would offer.

Speaker 3:

It's the way it often is. The joke is socialists are good with other people's money. Same thing with the border. Many on the political left are for open borders as long as it doesn't affect them, and it's fine if someone else does it.

Speaker 1:

But if it affects me personally, I'm out. They expect them to come into the conservative redneck neighborhoods and take over there, where they belong, because obviously they don't care about immigrants. They don't care about anybody of persons of color. I mean, they literally said if we get rid of all the immigrants, who's gonna build our buildings?

Speaker 3:

Who's gonna do all the menial jobs? Who's gonna do all the?

Speaker 1:

menial jobs. Because us educated rich people couldn't be bothered so rich people couldn't be bothered so like screw you guys.

Speaker 3:

Just some thoughts there, Anything else here, before we move to I'm sorry, I got a question for you guys.

Speaker 1:

You may not like my answer.

Speaker 5:

Do y'all think that Joe?

Speaker 1:

and Jill.

Speaker 5:

Biden voted for Trump.

Speaker 1:

Yes, 100%.

Speaker 3:

Jill wearing all red.

Speaker 1:

The fact that they're like. No, she voted for her husband. Like even Jill knows not to vote for her husband.

Speaker 4:

If anything, she voted for herself. She can't stand Kamala.

Speaker 1:

Harris, that is very evident.

Speaker 3:

If I was Biden, I would be so happy right now to get stabbed in the back the way he was, and then for Harris to get demolished. It's just sweet revenge for him. Because he was going to get smoked as well. But the difference is in this scenario. It didn't happen to him. So, he can say I would have done better than Harris, we would have never known, but that's what he can say yeah.

Speaker 4:

now he gets to say I'm the only person who ever beat Donald Trump.

Speaker 3:

Exactly right, because he technically didn't run the second time.

Speaker 1:

Real quick and then we can move on. But like I saw, uh, I was watching a video or something and I saw, like, uh, it was on msnbc or whatever. But like there's people like, hey, hi, from canada, you guys voted from like a dictator or whatever, but they're bringing that up like donald. Like they said that donald trump one of the guys said donald trump can only beat women go figure, like he's.

Speaker 2:

Like when he runs up against a real man, he loses and I was like oh my god what a stretch dude well, there's.

Speaker 3:

There's uh instagram videos I'm watching sometimes where something will pop up where it says, when it comes to trump, uh, preventing women from entering the president's office, and it shows like michael jordan highlights the greatest of all time preventing women from becoming president, he's, he's undefeated.

Speaker 3:

I mean but, but anyways, all right, y'all Moving to the fact this is our 100th episode. And yeah, ballin'. Y'all I want to thank the four of you who are here, Blake. Chloe, zeke, mariah Also those who were unable to make it for today Isaac Mackenzie and Justin, who is not feeling well this morning, so prayers for him. But anyways, thank y'all. I have a great time with this and our topics are very. They vary a lot and the rabbit trails are a lot of fun. But anyways, thank y'all for 100 episodes Wait.

Speaker 5:

I have an idea. Yes, ma'am, but anyways, thank you all for 100 episodes Wait I have an idea? Yes, ma'am, you need to play your top three favorite moments at the end of this podcast, from all of our 100 episodes. Oh my gosh, you've got a lot of work to do.

Speaker 3:

I realize I could go back into some of those, but what if they're like just the ones where it's just me talking? Yeah, that would be so.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, that's just the boa talk that would be so. I'm sorry, that's just the bow on top.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry, no, 100%, that's what he would do To celebrate us as a team and then I play the highlights and it's just me talking. Anyways, y'all, love y'all and Dangerous Faith. That's what we do. We talk apologetics, theology, culture, bible, politics and helping us to work through issues. We don't have all the answers, but we have a fun time talking. But okay, who wants to close out the episode? Anyone, blake. All right, take us home, I'll do it.

Speaker 1:

So, since we talked about politics, I'm going to bring a little bit of the Christian atmosphere into this, and I'm not going to be weird about it, I'm actually going to be nice. So, regardless of who's in office because this is a Christian podcast regardless of who's in office doesn't change who ultimately controls our world, and that's God. And as Christians, whether on the right side or the left side of the aisle, we have a job and that is to love God and love our neighbors no-transcript for and we're going to serve them just like we always have.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Amen Outstanding ovation.

Speaker 5:

Nate are the videos you were talking about in the four plus messages you sent me.

Speaker 3:

That I haven't looked at. Maybe I don't know.

Speaker 5:

I just haven't. I don't get on Instagram really much anymore.

Speaker 2:

Dude, there's no telling Me and Mason the best memes, back and forth.

Speaker 1:

If I get on Instagram, there's no telling how many of stuff you have sent me, I sent you a million.

Speaker 2:

There's probably like 55.

Speaker 1:

Dude, I'll literally be scrolling for days. What is lesbian dance? Theory Is that like a special dance to attract other lesbians, because if so, what are the?

Speaker 3:

It's just something that's made up?

Speaker 1:

Oh, if so, what are the moves?

Speaker 3:

That's awful. Can you show me them? So I just know what not to do.

Speaker 2:

I mean.

Speaker 1:

I would really hate to attract a lesbian right about now. Can you show me them so I just know what not to do?

Speaker 3:

I would really hate to track the lesbian right about now.