Dangerous Faith

#56: Dangerous Life– Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

October 23, 2023 Nathan
#56: Dangerous Life– Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
Dangerous Faith
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Should Christians celebrate Halloween? A round-table discussion.

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Speaker 1:

That's totally fair If I'm gonna.

Speaker 2:

That's totally fair. I'm gonna demand God come down telling I have six kids and some. I can say yeah, jesus, come down, show me your real I have to if. I'm gonna live in that absurdity. I gotta stick with it. At least you're consistent consistent yeah.

Speaker 4:

All right you should be recording. Yeah, so now we have an own record for whenever Blake actually does get married. We'll have all this kidding I was kidding.

Speaker 2:

I'll have as many kids as God allows, just more than three.

Speaker 3:

We are going to talk about Halloween today, but as Just in the moments before I hit record, I've been informed that I'm pronouncing it wrong, so it's not Halloween. What? What do y'all say? Halloween, halloween, hell Halloween, halloween, halloween. So Number one no, that's a terrible pronunciation. Number two, you're wrong.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, so we're gonna talk about Halloween from a Christian perspective. Should Christian celebrate it? What are the thoughts here? I'm gonna go ahead and introduce everyone. My name is Nate. We have Blake, justin, isaac, mackenzie, chloe and Zeke, so just about the whole crew here. So we're gonna talk about Halloween now and then in a bit will move to aliens. It'll be kind of like a special but anyways.

Speaker 3:

I'll open it up to the floor. Halloween should Christian celebrate it. Is it of the devil. Does it mean you're a terrible person? If you do so, is it okay, justin?

Speaker 7:

What do you think? So one thing that I would like to say is I think I can't remember the name of the song that says it, but the line says you take what the enemy meant for evil and you use it for good. You will probably know it, blake. Why'd you slap me so hard?

Speaker 3:

Sorry, I did me too, for you'll probably because we're not doing video, I'll just give a play-by-play. Justin violently hit Blake absolutely, and he only completely deserved it.

Speaker 2:

All right, that song is a.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

You what bothering me now?

Speaker 5:

It's bothering. Yeah, what is it?

Speaker 2:

It's not, you're a good, good father.

Speaker 7:

Well in the meantime, it's a big old song by Jesus. That's what you got now, okay, buddy, but I think that what you can do is a similar victory.

Speaker 2:

See me, I'm gonna see yeah, that's what there we go. Yeah, but uh, don't let me sing.

Speaker 3:

We're gonna make that like the intro music, yeah we don't do that.

Speaker 7:

But either way about it, don't do it, blake, we love you.

Speaker 3:

You have so much to look for.

Speaker 7:

I'm like I think that you can do similar, because people don't realize that Christmas is actually. It was originally a pagan holiday called Saturnalia. How do you know that? Because it's this workly proven. Where'd you get that from? I'm not gonna settle my son. Are you saying you don't? Like the birth of Jesus, he was oh no, I love the birth of Jesus. Do what?

Speaker 1:

it's actually so. I'm not certainly. So now, is Christmas.

Speaker 7:

That's what. That's what I'm saying. Oh, oh, no, no, no, I'm using this as an example, but that is true. But we take Saturnalia, which was the original Christmas thing that Catholics helped to turn into that. Well, actually it was. It was just Christians back in the day, because it was Roman celebrations said celebrating the God, saturn, but they turned that from this pagan holiday into Something that you could use for good for the name of Christ. So I think that we can take Halloween, which has this bad connotation to it, and turn it into something good.

Speaker 4:

What you're saying is because Catholics did, we can do it, justin.

Speaker 2:

I think the yes, I think the bigger thing that we're asking. So if we can take something bad and just say, turn it for the name of Christ so I can own a strip club, but if I find a way to work Jesus into it I can own it, yes, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

I turn this bad thing for a good thing. Is that where you're trying to say Blake wants a strip club? Any any other thoughts there about Halloween?

Speaker 6:

So the song that you're referring to don't think it applies in the sense, because it's talking about like Evil in the world and God is turning that for good. You like when people wanting Jesus to die and like when Joseph was sold and sleep, stuff like that. But you have a point where God can take evil things to turn for good. With Christmas it's a little different, because Christmas we are not celebrating Saturnalia or whatever. We're celebrating the birth of Christ. With Halloween, we're no one's changing anything. We're still celebrating Halloween, the same way that the world is celebrating Halloween. They're still haunted houses, they're still dressed up, there's still all these things. So you can say, yeah, we can turn it for good, but that's if you actually Turn it for something else.

Speaker 7:

You know that there are things like Christian haunted houses, right, sometimes called hell houses, which leads you through a depiction of hell, going through several different sins and at the end you come to God.

Speaker 3:

Speaking of which, have any of y'all been different names for it? I've heard of judgment house, mm-hmm. Have any of y'all been to one of those? Yeah? What was it like.

Speaker 6:

It was weird Was it scary. It was. It was just kind of weird. I don't know if it was really scary. It was just like you went through this, you went through hell, obviously, and then you get to heaven.

Speaker 2:

But that just seems weird it was weird part. That's weird.

Speaker 4:

I think it's one of those things that, like Christians try to be, like, try to make a market for themselves, but they don't realize that they don't have like the creative Ability to do it. Like you see like a lot of Christian movies they're like really cringe, but like, and now lately we've kind of caught on. We're like, hey, here's how you actually make good TV shows and movies and here's how you can do it Well as a Christian see, I think there are just some things that we just don't need to turn Christian just simply because there's.

Speaker 2:

There's no way like death metal. There's just the whole thing about death metal is to be like to sound as gross and demonic as you possibly can. That's literally like the whole and that's not and that's not me like being a knot. This is, I'm a death metal list like I listen to death metal, so that's not just coming out of ignorance, but not anymore used to, though, back in the day.

Speaker 6:

So I'm with Justin on this thing. So Halloween I looked into this a little bit ago, but Halloween started as like a Celtic holiday and it was pagan and then. Celtic, celtic, whatever the Boston.

Speaker 6:

Celtic, boston Celtic and then the, the Catholic Church or someone in it, one of the Saints wanted to change it to for to all Hallows Day, which means all Saints Day. That's where we get Halloween from. So instead of doing the things that the pagans would do, they would take the day and they would celebrate martyrs and stuff like that, like they would celebrate the Saints. That I don't see anything wrong with that. But if you want to join in with the things of the world and say, oh well, we're just Christian, christianizing it or whatever, but you're still doing the things of the world, I don't see that as changing anything. I don't see that as good. It's like light and darkness. They shouldn't mix, chloe.

Speaker 5:

My opinion is basically it's fine for Christians to celebrate Halloween within a certain boundary, like there's nothing inherently wrong with things like candy or going trick-or-treating or having a chunk or treat. There's nothing wrong with those things. If you take those things and take Halloween out of it completely, there's nothing sinful or wrong about that. But if you're one of those people that love spooky things, you I don't know maybe even worship the devil, I don't know. Some people are like that. But if you put all your I don't know pride into those things, then that's where it starts to get a little bad.

Speaker 2:

Do you mean like idolatry, worship of it, like making an idol?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, like there's just some people I know. There's just some people I know that are very like. They just love every time Halloween comes around because they can do all of these just really scary things and basically worship the devil.

Speaker 1:

So I think Halloween I don't think Christians should celebrate it, because I do think inherently it begins with this like demonic, like rooted and you know scary stuff and blood and all that kind of ghost and haunted houses and everything like that.

Speaker 1:

But then I'm also torn because I'm like the kids are so cute, they dress up, they go to trunk or treats like it's sweet. I think it's innocent, but I think as Christians maybe we just need to not celebrate it at all and have a talk with our children like it's fun, but also it's it's worldly, because when they grow up they still will be like, well, it's just Halloween and it just kind of opens that door, you know, because when they're cute little kids and they just want candy, it's so sweet. But then they grow up and they're like, well, I just want to be a witch this year or I just want to be, you know, something that kind of just is a gateway. So it's hard because I love giving out candy and I love seeing the cute little costumes, but the same time I don't know if we necessarily should partake in it.

Speaker 4:

Let me ask the group this Do you all think that if a kid let's take out, let's say you don't allow your kid to dress up as a witch or a demon, I would be opposed to that? Just cause kind of similar reason as you? I just think it's not healthy, at the very least, and that it could potentially other things later. For large majority kids maybe not, but I don't think it's wise nonetheless, but for y'all. Y'all think that what Chloe was saying? Like if it was any other day of the year let's say it's July 20th and kids are out getting candy for free and dressing up as superheroes would there be anything sinful about that if we did that along?

Speaker 7:

I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

I don't think so. I don't see how it would I see.

Speaker 4:

Don't skip ahead. I'm just asking for that day.

Speaker 6:

I'm not sure, but that's the whole point, the context of it being around Halloween, like if that stuff is okay on any other day then that's okay, but it's the fact that it's in the context of Halloween that's what makes it we shouldn't celebrate Halloween, because it's that that's the day so, even if these things inherently aren't bad, and on another day the reason that it's like tied into this whole Halloween evil, all this stuff, it's kind of where I see it Okay so part of it's the the time frame October 31st.

Speaker 3:

Now what if Isaac and Mackenzie, what if it was like a church event that was more of like a cookout get together on October 31st or that weekend for community purposes? Would you still not be as big of a fan because it's around that holiday, like? What do you think about someone trying to maybe go in the middle somewhere?

Speaker 1:

I think fall festivals are like a good different thing, like maybe just celebrating the time of year the season changed, like still having that good comfort, food gathering, having you know good conversations and stuff, and just kind of like redirecting it. I still just don't. I mean, I just think there's a line and maybe we shouldn't get as close to it as possible, but maybe as far as possible. Just you know why not? Why take that risk? If that makes sense.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I would be. I would agree with that. I would. I would rather have Christians in the church, with the church, in community, than out possibly partaking in worldly things. So I would be all for that if, like, churches were like you know what? This Halloween, it's a day that's seen as there's demonic things going on, there's worship of other things. Like we don't want to partake in this, so let's separate ourselves and do something for us. Like everybody wants to celebrate something, just celebrate like, like the Catholic Church, they did all Halloween or whatever for the Saints. I don't see anything wrong with that. I think that would be great.

Speaker 1:

Okay, one last thing. I don't think this is a salvation if you know the issue. If you choose to celebrate Halloween, like you know, it's not that big of a deal. I don't think. But at the same time I do think we're called to be different, even when it's and it is uncomfortable because you know, you see the little kids like you just want them to be in their little cute costume, but at the same time it's like we need to be sober-minded and awake and realize that it can be a gateway into something darker.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was six and seven. It's not. It wouldn't become a salvation issue until you took it far, if that makes sense. But like you said, it's just kind of like a responsibility thing, Like you gotta kind of walk the line with it.

Speaker 7:

What would you say? Is that too far line?

Speaker 2:

Probably if you dressed up as Jesus and yeah, of course, that'd probably a little too far. Maybe if you dressed up like a drag nun, that'd be a little too far.

Speaker 3:

So, justin, I was going to pass to you for a moment. So we've kind of heard those who might shy away from the holiday. You, in the beginning, seem to be more for, like it's okay. You know, we kind of kind of fashion it towards more of a Christian direction. So my question to you is would there be any limitations? Or Halloween in its full form, it's okay?

Speaker 7:

So I can agree. Personally, I think there are some horror movies you can stick away from. I don't think everything scary is demonic. I'd entirely disagree with that. But I can say things like children not dressing up as like a witch or something like that. I can totally agree with that. The Jesus thing, like obviously I think you need to be careful with that. I think there are times for it like when they made the show the Chosen, how he's playing Jesus but he tries to play it as accurately as he possibly can to be a basically a form of just letting people see the media and letting people see God in a different way.

Speaker 7:

But I would say I like the Fall Festival idea, stuff like that, instead of like obviously you don't want kids to see a bunch of scary stuff and blood and stuff like that. I can totally agree with that. Doing a Fall Festival for children where they can go out and go around and do stuff or a trunk or treat or something like that. I think it's perfectly fine. I don't really see if you can take a day and turn it for something good. I still don't see the problem with that. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

So here's some of my thoughts, kind of going around. Everything we've said is I see it as more of a wisdom. Like we've said, it's not a salvation issue, obviously, unless you go very far with it, and then I become a little bit more concerned. But I see it as more of a wisdom issue. Take, for example, when Paul's talking to I think it was Corinthians, where he's talking to people and he was, people were saying like, hey, these people, they're eating meat that was sold to idols. And he's like, okay, that's not a big deal, but if it's going to make them stumble, then don't do it around them. So not saying that, hey, it's not, it's a good thing that serve to. He's not saying, go sacrifice meat to idols. But he's saying like, look, those things aren't real. It's okay, you're made free and crossed, so it's not something we should really punish people or say, hey, you're not a Christian because you did this or that, but as ourselves, we should look at it with a lens of you know what.

Speaker 4:

Maybe some of this is unhealthy, maybe we should change some of it to where it's not. You know, dressing up like witches and ghouls and etc. Etc. Or maybe we have something different, event like a fall festival. I also see the good in it in the sense of as Christians, our main goal is to spread the gospel, and typically that looks like us going to people and having to reach out to them and find them where they're at. Halloween is one day of the year God sends everyone to us. I see that as a great opportunity to evangelize the people. Yeah, and Isaac's put in a face on, so he obviously has something to say about it.

Speaker 3:

Isaac, any any thoughts about that? Zeke's kind of put you on the spot.

Speaker 6:

How many times have you seen people come to a church on Halloween to hear their gospel? Like how many times is it? People like, oh yeah, well, this is Halloween, we're going to go to a church, and the church is like this is our, this is our moment. Or is it mostly just trunk or treats where it's like, hey, we're just going to join in in the celebrations, here's your candy. I know you're dressed up as a demon, but here you go, like kind of thing.

Speaker 4:

So you're saying that we shouldn't outreach to people when they come to us? No, I'm saying we shouldn't look like the world, but we're supposed to be in the world but not the other world.

Speaker 3:

How do?

Speaker 4:

you do that. Do you retreat into your, into your basement, and then just celebrate by yourself, or do you go out with to the world?

Speaker 6:

No, you can go out to the world and not look like the world.

Speaker 4:

So how do we do?

Speaker 6:

things of the world, if you went, if there was, if they were having a party at a fraternity. Let's say you're in college, they're having a party at a fraternity, or whatever. Do you go and get drunk? Willem say well. I can go, get drunk and have fun and party, and, and then I'll spread the gospel and share the news. Or do you say no? How about let's talk to them when they're going in, or talk to them when they're coming out, when they sober up? Let's let's try to steer them away from this.

Speaker 4:

I think it's more of meeting the person where they're at, and I don't think that means we go, do the things they do. I agree with you. I don't think we act the way they do, that we dress the way they do, that we do these things that we've all most of us agreed. We just I don't think it'd be wise to do that, but I think it's we do what Jesus is. We meet people where they're at. Take the woman at the well. He met her where she was at after five marriages and he called her out for her. He didn't shy away from it, but he met her where she was and then used her situation to make known to her that it's through him and him alone that she can be saved and that she can have fulfillment in her life, not through these marriages that she's been going through. So, to bring it back to Halloween, I think a healthy way.

Speaker 4:

I don't have a problem with churches doing trunk retreats. I think we should use healthy principles, like we've been saying, like maybe not dress up as ghouls or demonic things, but at the same time like if people are coming to us, that's an opportunity, we may get one. What if it's a one out of a hundred people. That's more than enough for me. That's the elect.

Speaker 3:

That's another topic, but anyways.

Speaker 2:

I'm not a Calvinist.

Speaker 4:

But I mean, if the people are going to be going out to houses all throughout the night, I'd rather them have at least one or two churches nearby that they can at least go by and hear the gospel. Then they'll go to just houses and they never get a chance to hear it at all. But which churches are doing that? Maybe that's something we need to start doing. Maybe we all go to church. We have the ability to talk to our church leaders. This is the issue.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I know we're talking about Halloween, but that's like an issue that maybe we could say for like another day. But, like, as Christians, I don't think we do the best job of going into the world and evangelizing Like we think we should. I mean, I absolutely agree with you and Isaac has a great point. You don't see people doing that. I think it's something that we need to do and I like that you brought in. Like you know, jesus meets us where we're at and I think a lot of times you know, like Isaac's saying, wait for them to sober up, and stuff like that. No, I don't agree with that, you know, I think we should. If there's a chance for us to talk about Jesus, we should talk about him in that moment, because Jesus doesn't wait for us to get better.

Speaker 6:

Well, my point was don't go party with him. Oh yeah, I mean. Yeah, that was my point, my bad.

Speaker 2:

Don't partake. Yeah, you're right about that. Don't partake in the activities.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

I agree.

Speaker 7:

You know, justin no, so the thing.

Speaker 6:

I think has a good point with. If people are coming to you, you spread the gospel. But the thing about it is that's not the situation that I see. The situation I see and I could be blind in the way that I see this, but the situation that I see that I think is wrong is not. Christian is taking this day and saying these are the days, this is the day that God brings everyone to us, that we can share the gospel. It's Christian saying I'm going to celebrate this day just like everyone else. You're right, I completely agree with you.

Speaker 4:

That's my point, my point being that we're talking about how should we think about Halloween as Christians. That's what our goal is today is to talk about Halloween. That's my point. I think that's what we need to do. I don't think we've done a good job of it. No, and I think, if you make this use, like if for me, I'm not the best evangelist, I don't have the gift of evangelism Same way, I don't have the gift of giving, yet I still give. We all are supposed to practice these gifts every day, so you shouldn't say, oh well, I'm just going to wait for Halloween to, for God, bring people to me and then I'm going to evangelize. This should be a daily practice and this is how we use Halloween to use that practice this day too, not just Every day, but this day as well.

Speaker 7:

Agree with you 100% it's kind of like you know A good example, and that's something not Halloween that we use. Say, your church sets up like a soup kitchen. Not everybody who comes there is going to come to hear the word, but that's a great opportunity to bring people into a at least an environment where they can be around people who are going to Be like that.

Speaker 7:

So say you do a trunk retreat, like many churches do around Halloween. That's an environment where they can be at a church around other people and sometimes, like Zeke said, maybe it's one person asks about God that whole time. Out of 150 people who come. That's all it takes.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I'm not advocating that we do anything like they do. I'm saying like, of course we can. I'm open to other ideas. It doesn't have to be a trunk retreat. I could care less how we do it. I just I think this the one extreme is to close off and say, hey, let's go do our own thing, we'll ignore the world. I think the opposite extremes like, hey, let's be just like the world and go to their parties and do what they do I think there's somewhere in the middle where we meet and like, hey, how can we reach people on this day the same way we do every other day?

Speaker 2:

and I think the reason why we don't think of that is because of like One.

Speaker 2:

It's never really done, if that makes sense. I think why it's so foreign to us is because nobody does it. Because when you think about, like going to a trunk retreat and you take your kid up and I'm not going to say they're just like a demon, it's very rare that I see a child dressed up as the devil or a witch or anything like that. They're normally like, like, like something spider-man or spider-man, a superhero, a princess or something like that. Is that an idol? Though I wouldn't say it's an idol. I wouldn't say it's an idol and I have mine and that can be another topic, but anyways it's. You know, you just don't see anybody like going out of their way. Like when that kid comes up and you ask their parents what do you think about Jesus? You know, like that you don't. We don't have conversations like that. I think that's why it's so foreign To us.

Speaker 6:

So I think, in order for it to become something normal, we have to start that change and I agree with both the y'all like If we can take, if we can share the gospel on this day instead of celebrating helwing, that's awesome. But when I was coming into it I wasn't saying like let's change the day. I was saying Should christians celebrate this day like the rest of the world, or should christians kind of not celebrate this day like the rest of the world? That's kind of how I was viewing it. So it's because that's how I see it in our society right now is it's Either or those are the two options.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, and so for me, I would rather someone's shy way then Like I'd rather, I'd rather see someone who's like I'm going to not eat this idol meat in For god because I don't want, because I feel like that's wrong and that'd be okay for other people and they're still free, but god honors that. Then someone say, you know what? I'm going to go get drunk and all this stuff because I'm free and christ and I can and he forgives me for everything. I'm just going to go fornicating all this stuff.

Speaker 6:

I would, I'd rather see this side of the holding back things that could be a blessing to you than to see the oh, you're free and like in christian society kind of today. Like I see more of the you're free and christ, go, do anything you need kind of thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, mckinsey um, I just wanted to bring this up just real quick, but I think why this conversation is important to have kind of covers um other things too. Like like was saying, like usually it's princesses or superman or spider man or whatever. But we can even take this lens that we're examining halloween and go into like disney, like I don't know, do our kids need to be dressing up like um Elsa, where she has powers and all this stuff, or do we kind of need to be like focusing more on the gospel and who actually has Power, who is god? You know what I mean. Like we can take this and examine other things too, and maybe more as we do that it will change our mind on halloween a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can, I can see that point. My my only hang up about stuff like that is, like, do we start going into the camp of just deeming everything is bad and kind of crushing our uh, you know, children's like creativity, like start kind of like you know stuff like that? Do we start going into that camp where we come overbearing everything's evil, or do we allow some Forms of energy? And this is just a question like I really don't know. Like this is something I, these are something I struggle grass with. Like, for instance, I love the wwe, like I grew up as a kid watching the wwe. But if I'm gonna be honest, there were some characters and some story lines. Like, for instance, there's a guy named kane and he is his little, he's the devil's favorite demon, like that was his thing.

Speaker 7:

I mean also stone cold, steve austin takes austin 316.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they took elements like that you know, and they were like, while it was fun and you loved, like watch these guys and the excitement and the thrills that they gave you Like is, would it be something that I would let my child watch today. It's like, it's those things is like as is. Do we become Overbearing where it just gets to the point where we don't let them watch anything, or do we have to like, kind of like I hate to use this analogy but like drink responsibly, like do we have to be responsible with what we're watching? Like Allow to, like be allowed to enjoy it, but have some responsibility with it? Like understand, like these, you know.

Speaker 1:

I see what you're saying with going too far and not letting our kids have anything, but at the same time, like You're the parent like who, like our kids, don't know. So if we just expose them like yeah, just watch this little show about you know these people turning into animals or whatever, and then they grow up and they've got that in the back of their mind, and then they're more subset, like as a parent.

Speaker 2:

That's why I think, talking about halloween, halloween is a very kid heavy holiday and if it's rooted in that and we're exposing our children to that, like maybe we should just think about it A little bit and hold them back a little, you know so so you're saying, like we just need to explain it better to them, okay, not that I agree with that, I mean, and hold it back from, hold it back, okay, I mean because a five-year-old.

Speaker 1:

To them it may be like you can't dress up like your favorite character and get candy and they're gonna see it as why not? But as us it may be. This is rooted in something that, as your parent, as a Christian, I don't think we need to be a part of. Oh yeah, and they can't grasp that yet.

Speaker 7:

True, so is this viewpoint something we should just apply to Halloween? Let's take anything can be an idol. There are people who go to football games. They shout profanity, they buy so much merch. It's ridiculous and I say that coming from like video games and stuff like that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely I'm not just, I'm not just holding that, but if you take this lens on one thing, you have to focus on multiple things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think that's exactly what we need to do, because it is and it comes back to discernment in each situation. If you're taking your kid to a football game where they've got songs that are like F the other team or whatever, then, yeah, maybe not let your kid go to that, even though it's fun, even though it's cool, maybe not.

Speaker 7:

I've even heard people at younger kids football game shouting stuff. You can't control what other people do as well.

Speaker 2:

But you can control what you expose yourself to.

Speaker 7:

If someone's going to be, there are people who will show up drunk to their little kids game you can't control what those people do. That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

You can control what you put your child in.

Speaker 4:

That's the point he's making.

Speaker 2:

Is that what you're trying to make?

Speaker 7:

Yeah, that's kind of what I'm saying is, you can control what you do, but there are also some things you can't control, so then you should be like I get what you're saying now, but are you saying like I'm confused, are you for it or against it?

Speaker 2:

Like what are you?

Speaker 7:

getting at. I'm just saying like there is a middle ground to have with a lot of this stuff, like obviously you don't want to take your kid to an atmosphere where there is I'm trying to think of a good example.

Speaker 2:

Okay, let's, let's use me and you. For example, should we go? Because we want to go to what is it called, where all of our favorite pop punk bands and stuff are going. We were wanting to go to that concert, but we know for a fact, with that genre of music comes weed, drugs, alcohol. They're going to be people that are crossfaded. There are going to be people with pentagrams on their shirts. They're going to be devil worshipers there, not because those bands promote it, but that's just the lifestyle that comes with the music that with that type of music.

Speaker 7:

That's a good point, yeah, so should we go? I mean that's a good thing to think about. Honestly, I mean I would say probably not Chloe.

Speaker 5:

I just wanted to give a disclaimer. None of us have kids yet.

Speaker 3:

So like I think this is a little hard, for yourself.

Speaker 5:

I think this is a little hard for us to know like a hundred percent right now. But I think it comes down mostly to discernment and your personal convictions, because one person could be very convicted about, you know, like taking their kid out for Halloween. One person might not not be as convicted about that. And you also don't want to shield your kid completely from punk rock or Halloween. You're like you know things of the world. Because then if they're just shielded their whole life and then they go, out problems of things shall yeah, then they go out after they're 18.

Speaker 5:

They go to college and they have a rude awakening, and then they don't know what to do with themselves. Chloe.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 6:

Yeah, that's what happened, isaac. There's a difference between being sheltered, where you don't know anything, and being explained to and put in the right situations where, like you're trying to be faithful to God and say we want to raise you as godly kids. You're not going to partake in this because we don't see it as right. We'll tell you about it. We'll tell you hey, your friends are going to dress up as this. They're going to go to haunted houses tonight. You're not going to go. I don't have kid, but I'm just saying like this house it. You're not going to go because I believe that is of the devil and you've loved it when we went to a haunted house.

Speaker 2:

I did, I did like it, I did.

Speaker 6:

But God has convicted me of that and I just don't.

Speaker 7:

I don't see it as good now. I mean, I'm just a chicken, I can't walk through that stuff. You did, though you was proud of you.

Speaker 6:

So there's, a difference between being sheltered like you don't know anything and being sheltered as in, like giving, raising your kids the best way you can without exposing them because I don't know Paul or someone. Someone in the Bible says like it's a good thing to be like innocent Right.

Speaker 3:

I don't think to be innocent. Hold on. I know it's somewhere in the Philippines that when Paul has words for the things we should focus on, you know whatever's like this innocent as dubs.

Speaker 4:

But why is it so?

Speaker 6:

That's Jesus, so Jesus isn't so be innocent, right, but you can be smart and be innocent Like you can not for taking things, but know about it and know like, okay, I'm watching this.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, justin something I can say when it comes to the raising kids as well, something my father raised a lot of kids.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm speaking of my father.

Speaker 7:

It's a joke, but something that I will say is you can also walk a middle ground with stuff. My dad what he would tell me with stuff like let's talk about drugs and alcohol and stuff like that. I'm usually don't want you to Sorry, you don't want your kids doing that, but what my father told me was absolutely you don't need to do this. I don't want you doing this, but if you're going to do it, I would rather you do it here than go out and do something stupid. Sometimes you have to prepare for kids, because kids are rebellious and if you think the kids aren't, you are wrong.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's got a good point, like it does not matter how good you raise your kids If you shelter people from stuff like that and say you cannot go to this level or I will scold you.

Speaker 7:

I will, you will be punished. That makes a child want to do stuff more. Well, that's, my father did that stuff with me, which where he was like, hey, if you're going to do it, I would prefer you do it here. I don't want you to do it all, but if you're going to do it, do it here. And because he did not, incredibly, demonize me and punish me for several things, I have no desire to do any of that but that, but that but that was you, though.

Speaker 7:

That's your personality, my sister is the same way, so is my brother.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying, though. I'm just saying that's your family. You're brought up in that atmosphere. Somebody there are other people who have that have taught that same way and their kids will go out and do stuff. It's, it's just unpredictability. That's the thing. It does not matter how, what. You can raise your kid the best way I mean you can be the best way and some of the kids are going to turn out just the way you raised them. Some of the kids are not. That is just that just comes with our free will and that's just human nature.

Speaker 1:

I think, to your kind of going over and it's not a control thing of. I need to control my child and need to make sure they do this, do this, do this. It's of. We're instructed to train up our children in the ways that the Lord says to, and if we have a personal conviction of, I don't think we should do this because, it's not rooted in Christ, then we're not going to do it.

Speaker 1:

It's not a thing of just. I don't want you to do that. It's God maybe don't doesn't want us to do this.

Speaker 3:

I think all of these things are good to talk about parenting and how far is too far in the culture, but not of it, all of those things let's, as we conclude our conversation on, let's bring it back to Halloween, or as you weirdos call it, halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween. Let's bring it back just for a moment. So who here would say, in its full, unadulterated form, halloween is? You'd say, satanic or demonic?

Speaker 6:

I would I can agree. I'll just show a hands, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So everyone says that who here Okay, let's go the opposite way. Some churches take the stance of you should not even acknowledge the holiday? Just a normal week, normal day, situation is normal. Who here agrees with that? That churches should not even acknowledge it?

Speaker 3:

No, I don't think you should. No hands. So I think we all fall somewhere in the middle of. It's an opportunity, but we need to be careful how exactly we go about it. So that's just to kind of summarize what we've been saying, but anyways, this has been a conversation on Halloween. If you have any questions for us, you can reach out through our website, dangerousfaithnet, but also social media as well Instagram, twitter, facebook and ask questions, and many of you who listen know us personally at our different churches we're a part of. If you have any topics you want to cover, we can do so on the podcast. It's very enjoyable. But anyways, my name's Nate. We have Blake, justin, isaac, mackenzie, chloe and Zeke, so full house today and we'll talk about aliens in our next episode. Yeah, oh yeah, we'll talk with you later.

Speaker 2:

Moon landing was fake, moon landing was fake. It's just really sweet, yes.

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
Debating Halloween and Christian Engagement
Discussion on Halloween and Christian Parenting
Discussion on Halloween and Parenting